My first multicolor Tahitian pearls


New Member
Jul 1, 2018
Hello. I've been lurking for a few months but this is my first post. I'm brand new to pearls, having only purchased my very first pearls on Mother's Day, a FWP white necklace from PP. That was a lot more difficult than I had expected, and I ended up ordering everything from the most inexpensive FWP to Hanadama, only to end up keeping the FWP and saving the extra funds for something else later.

That "something else" came about faster than expected and when I saw this on IG I was in love. This was so much more fun than the white necklace, much more of an emotional high :D Pearls are not perfect with blemishes, but luster is great and colors just make my heart sing.

I'm reading the stringing instructions and gonna give it a try myself. Probably not on these at first, test it on something else to practice. Already ordered the supplier from a member here.

Cee's photo.
tahitian pearls vendor photo1.jpg

My pictures.

It's super hard to get selfies of pearls and get accurate colors :eek: In reality colors are more muted while variations are more visible. I LOVE the single white pearl, that's probably my favorite part of this strand.

Look forward to learning more and seeing more beautiful pearls everyone has! Only 2 necklaces so far and I'm totally hooked!

Eek, why are my pictures so large and not right side up??? :confused:
I'm seeing your lovely neck shot right side up! :) Your pearls are wonderful! The large photos are perfect.

I don't know why so many photos appear sideways. I would experiment to try to figure it out but I still use a flip phone, and upload photos from my computer.
Your necklace takes my breath away! Those colors are spectacular. For a newbie ( I'm one too) you've got a winner right out of the gate.I will be interested to hear the reaction from the experts on this forum when they see your necklace. Wear your beautiful pearls in good health.
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Babyblue welcome! Your tahitian pearls look beautiful and have fun stringing it! For me it was quite intimidating knotting my first strand (and it was tahitian too) but the final product is so rewarding!
Multi colored Tahitian strands are my favorite and you got a beautiful one! Knotting just takes practice :)
You got a winner! Those T's are gorgeous and look great on your neck.

I always string each strand of pearls at least 3 times before I'm happy with it. Stringing is easy. It's getting the hang of the right tension for all the knots. Sometimes I'm too tight. Sometimes I'm too loose, or I screw up right at the end. Third time is usually the charm. But I enjoy stringing pearls, so I don't mind redoing a necklace 3 times in a row. If I strung every day, I'd get it right the first time, but it's usually a couple of years between each stringing session, so I forget my "feel" for the knot tension.
I'm understand why you fall in love with this strand of pearls! Amazing colors!
Yes please and thank you! Those look even more gorgeous on you than in the IG shot. Well done! I need to reach out to Cees...
I'm seeing your lovely neck shot right side up! :) Your pearls are wonderful! The large photos are perfect.

I don't know why so many photos appear sideways. I would experiment to try to figure it out but I still use a flip phone, and upload photos from my computer.
I can't even post pictures from my phone, just from my laptop. Haven't figured that out yet.

Your necklace takes my breath away! Those colors are spectacular. For a newbie ( I'm one too) you've got a winner right out of the gate.I will be interested to hear the reaction from the experts on this forum when they see your necklace. Wear your beautiful pearls in good health.
Thank you, I'm totally smitten with them :o I'm not gonnna be able to afford many beautiful pieces like many members here, so I'm glad I found a lovely one from the get go.

Your new strand looks lovely on you. Congrats!
Thank you!

Babyblue welcome! Your tahitian pearls look beautiful and have fun stringing it! For me it was quite intimidating knotting my first strand (and it was tahitian too) but the final product is so rewarding!
I think it would be so rewarding, plus I can get it exactly the way I want it. I want this to be JUST right you know?

Tahitians are infinitely fascinating, as you're finding out! Your new strand is lovely with your coloring; congratulations on a great choice! Lots of mentors here to encourage you as you learn to string your own pearls.
Thank you. Yes Tahitians in particular are just fascinating for me, such variations all created naturally! It's hard to pick just 1 strand because each one is so unique, I think multicolor was a good choice for me so I can experience the different flavors at once.

I ordered the stringing kit from you and it's on its way. I haven't figured out the clasp yet though, everyone is recommending orbit clasp but I assume larger size ones?

Lovely pearls ! Really pretty colours and nice lustre. I don't worry about the fish bites if the colour and lustre are there !
"Fish bites", LOL! Yes, colors definitely pop over the blemishes and more I look at them less I notice the imperfections. Figured no one will get in my face close enough to see them anyway :rolleyes:

Multi colored Tahitian strands are my favorite and you got a beautiful one! Knotting just takes practice :)
Thank you, look forward to putting this baby together!

You got a winner! Those T's are gorgeous and look great on your neck.

I always string each strand of pearls at least 3 times before I'm happy with it. Stringing is easy. It's getting the hang of the right tension for all the knots. Sometimes I'm too tight. Sometimes I'm too loose, or I screw up right at the end. Third time is usually the charm. But I enjoy stringing pearls, so I don't mind redoing a necklace 3 times in a row. If I strung every day, I'd get it right the first time, but it's usually a couple of years between each stringing session, so I forget my "feel" for the knot tension.
I'm home with a young baby right now so this can be a relaxing activity for me while he naps. Or in the middle of the night, whichever it may be :p I got nothing but time.

I'm understand why you fall in love with this strand of pearls! Amazing colors!
Thank you!

Wow! Beautiful colours, size and lustre. The pearls look lovely on you :)
Seriously can't stop looking at it!

Thank you everyone for sharing my excitement and offering encouragements. I don't have anyone in real life that understands my love for these things so it's nice to share it with people who knows :)
If you want to upload from your smartphone you have to use the desktop version of Pearl Guide. That is all I know about that.

As far as photos uploaded from your laptop...if you rotate the photos so that they appear upright on your computer, I'm not sure why they wouldn't upload to P-G in the same direction.
They're beautiful! To me, Tahitians are the easiest to knot, maybe because they're large. Have fun with it!