My first Cortez pearls


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2008
My first order of business in the "my-husband-bought-a-mustang-and-all-I-got-was-this-lousy-car-payment" pearl budget negotation was to get some Cortez pearls.

Today I received my meager 3 pearls -- a pair silvery lilac for earrings and one every-colored one for a pendant!!! I have never seen anything so extraordinary. The earring pair is small - 8.3, but the pendant is much bigger! Earrings are awesome but the pendant pearl is *phenomenal*. I *thought* I knew what orient was... The color appears to be floating deep within the pearl in many places and every time I look at it, it's different.

Got plans tonight, but how do you tell a non-pearl person "I think I am going to stay home and stare at my pearl...I haven't seen it from every possible angle yet." They'd put me in the booby hatch, so I guess I'll go out. Pictures will have to wait.
Hey, well done Silversea.
Glad you like them. The Cortez pearls are something else, aren't they ?
Staying home and staring at pearls ? Some would say no dafter than haring about in a Mustang.......:D
Cortez pictures!

I did the cortez pearls up really quickly so I could wear them out.
I have nothing I like to set the pendant with, so I think I will go with just a single white gold ball.

In terms of the earrings, those are crystal rondelles. These are a prototype, because I think I am going to order diamond rondelles for them...probably a millimeter smaller. What do you think? I could also get ruby or sapphire rondelles instead, but I think the diamonds are best. Any opinions?


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Those are beauties. I've never laid on eyes on any in person (yet :cool:)
but someday <sigh>
Hi Silversea,

Nicely done! Isn't it fun???!! And if you want to change them, fairly easy to redo---------If you are a diamond gal, and already have a wedding ring, etc, then go with the diamond rondelles. They would be gorgeous!

I understand about staying home and staring at your pearls, right now my coffee table is covered in sunstone beads and pearls----looking for the ones that like each other the most-----!!;)

so many pearls, so little time
Those are so pretty. Congrats on your first Cortez pearls. I like the idea of diamonds, but good quality sapphires or rubies might bring out the colors in the pearls. Either diamonds or colored stones would work in my opinion.
Congratulations! Those are lovely. I like the idea of going with a diamond rondelle on the earrings. The extra sparkle will set off the pearls really well.