my engagement ring


New Member
Dec 31, 2016
I received this ring earlier this year and sparked off my love and interest for pearls!! Ended the year with taking pearls as one course and making my boyfriend (or fiancé) buy me some christmas strands from PP ;)

I have been lurking in this forum for the past year and it has been such a wealth of information. The vibes here are so positive I love it! I am going back to south east asia for good soon (finished my school here!), excited to travel in the area to see more pearls!!

skynex, Welcome to Pearl-Guide! I love your engagement ring-- such a nice shape!
Nothing more romantic than a pearl as an engagement ring :) Congrats and welcome aboard!
Congratulations on your engagement and your ring is lovely! Welcome to the forum and post lots of pictures when you new pearls arrive.
Congrats. A couple of us are located in south East Asia. Let us know you pearly adventures.
So dainty and lovely on your finger. Congratulations! Beautiful pearl.
Very best wishes, what a wonderful engagement ring.
Congratulations, and welcome! Looking forward to seeing your new strand!!!