Hi Dkan,
First of all, congratulations on your recent fine purchases. The gem strands are beautiful. You have quite a nice collection as a whole. I like the rings a lot. You must be a diamond lover too.
Now the strange thing is the pics. Some members said they could not see the pics in this thread. I see pics this time. So I went back to your other thread about matching to an existing strand. I could see those pics now, and I could not previously. Strange.
Thank you!
I have two vices - food and jewellery, and I love diamonds
What I would like to add to my collection are:
A nice round Tahitian about 9-12mm (this should become a reality soon)

A 18/19in 7-8mm double rope in gem grade CWFPs
A 8-9mm double rope in gem grade or AAA CWFPs
A 20in 13-16mm+ Baroque SSP
A 3-pearl pendant, 12mm each, White, Light Grey and Gray with diamonds in between
Interchangeable cliclasps in white and grey pearls, with pearl necklaces (my existing 9-10mm CFWP is going to be converted by Ana)
Pendants, more pendants, never enough pendants!
And that's just for pearls! I could go on for diamonds! No, I don't wish for much, really
Strange about the pics, as I don't understand why some PGers can see them while the others can't