My birthday


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
Today is my birthday. I just felt like I wanted to share with you all that I got some jewellry findings as a present from my boyfriend and I?ve been having lots of fun with them already. I?m really awful at the moment but I?m quite proud of myself, in a way a 4-year old is proud of a drawing he/she have made... But it?s so fun, so I expect I might get better and maybe you will even get to see some future, nice jewellry?

It have been such a fun day.

I also got a pretty nice pearl bracelet from a friend, dyed, baroque freshwaters. I?m not a big fan of dyed pearls in general but those are actually quite nice. Might post a picture later.
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

:) Happy Birthday! Congrats on your b'day presents. :)
Hi Mervione and Happy Birthday!

So now soon you can order some of the lovely loose Tahitians from the "loot" and put them together with your findings and then we get photos, won?t we?:)
Happy Birthday,

In my culture, on your birthday you are supposed to buy a pearl for everyone who posts a "Happy Birthday" on your birthday thread. Just sayin.:D
Mervione, have a wonderful birthday today! Thanks for being a part of our community. :cool:
Happy Birthday to you...La la la la la..
Happy Birthday to you...La la la la la..
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthdaaaay...
Happy Birthday to you! :)

Enjoy your findings! Show us what you make when you're done!
Happiest of Birthdays to you!

Enjoy your creativity - can't wait to see what you've come up with.
Thanks everyone for your replies, and I?ll remember that if you post a "Happy birthday" on someone else?s thread you?ll get a pearl... I?ve had tons of fun with the findings today too, and luckily I found a bead and jewelry supply shop
close to me, in walking distance, so I dragged my boyfriend there and it was so fun, I was like a 5-year old in a candy shop. Then I went home and made a bracelet-chain out out of jump rings (Is that the wrong way to do it?) and I?m going to add some nice beads I bought to it using headpins and I also made a pair of earrings that I think turned out well but I?m probably overly proud, I think they are good since I?m so new to it though. Added tons of pics. Oh, and I also got the other exotics today that I ordered a while ago, bought the 6-7 rounds and the four loose pearls... They?re really nice and sadly I didn?t take very good pictures because I was too busy. Like other people here have pointed out they are more lustrous but the colours aren?t as intense as the ovals, I like them both equally much though.


This is the picture of the four loose pearls, I especially like the lavender one. I had two of them drilled but couldn?t get myself to ask for drilling the lavender one and the one next to it. Just thought the lavender one was so nice that I wanted it as it was.


This is a picture where you can see some of the ovals, the rounds and the bracelet I got for my birthday as well as two pearls I bought in that bead shop. I think they are much nicer IRL, at least when you can turn the left pearl so you can?t see that huge flaw. They seem very orienty to me.


A picture where you can get a better look on the two necklaces and the bracelet, I think the colours in all strands comes out really nicely in this picture. You can also see the four loose pearls. I thought it looked a little like they took a walk on the necklace.


Another picture, in another angle.


A close up of the round exotics. The colours comes out well, I especially like the pink ones next to the clasp and the three dark-blueish-purpleish (?) ones you can see.


A nice close up of the bracelet, complete with a catfood can in the background. I really like this bracelet.


Another close up. I like this because it?s so detailed and sharp, you can even see the structure in my jeans. The colours look really different from the other close up. Funny how pearls can change.


Pictures of the earrings... Made of glassbeads and the top one is plastic.


The chain with a heartlocket that I happen to really like. Give me constructive criticism please. I think I need it.

That?s all pictures I got right now.

A huge thanks to Jeremy and Mia for making the necklaces for me.
A Belated Happy Birthday, Marvione!

LOVE your new necklaces and bracelets! Fabulous! They all look so happy together! Great start on your Pearl Wardrobe!

The earrings came out great! Nice combo of colors. Love the clasp on your bracelet also. May I suggest that you be a little careful with the bracelet, as the loops aren't soldered shut. I can see a few rings where there is a little gap. So the tendency is for them to pull apart. Perhaps the bead shop will give a few lessons, that is how I got started, too.

Looking forward to more of your creations! I will tell you on another thread what I did yesterday, it was special!

so many pearls, so little time
Thanks everyone for your kind replies! I?ll try to close the rings properly, I was far too inpatient when making it... Consider the earrings nice enoug h to actually wear?