My birthday present

Hi everyone! I am new in this forum :)

It's been great to know more about pearls :) The amount of knowledge that the PG members have and the enthusiasm in sharing that knowledge and experience is incredible! Thank you for that!

Cyndayco, that is such a unique and wonderful choice! I love how the metal look solid and at the same time intricate! I envy you for having found a good jeweler :)
Interesting, beautiful design and beautiful pearls. Enjoy your new earrings!
It took forever, and we eventually ditched the liquid fire inspiration (too expensive and complicated for the goldsmith's skill level). But the ring is here, and a perfect match for the earrings.

The pearl's color is beautiful. Its setting pairs really well with your earrings. I like the fluid line of the earrings too.
Thank you, everyone--especially Cees, the man with ?berhigh standards.

At one point, I was so frustrated with the goldsmith, I thought I'd never see this ring. Up until completion, I was steeling myself for disappointment, but it turned out quite well.

And yes, Gemgeek, I will wear the ring and earrings often!
Cyndayco, that's just a super beautiful set ... especially love that so much of the pearls is visible, and not hidden by the settings ... congratulations!
Oh, that turned out just beautifully! Please post some hand shots and wear your set in good health!
BAS, here is another photo, this time on my hand.
hand GSSP.jpg

One of my officemates has dubbed it the Game of Thrones ring.
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Yes! And it looks so great on your hand. Congratulations on seeing the project through to an awesome conclusion.