My Amazing Kamoka Valentine!

It is beautiful, Pattye! I would love to see more photos of your collection.
A very special piece, thank you for sharing.
That carving is perfect and I agree black lip shells are so pretty. I have one myself and the only one in my collection so far. The other day I was daydreaming of FIJI pearls and I thought If i can't afford a single pearl I will be happy to have a FIJI shell.
Hi Pattye! This is absolutely gorgeous :) The carving is just beautiful. I would love to see more photos of your collection also !
Thank you all so, so much for your appreciative remarks! Now the only carved shell in my collection, joins an extended family of both purchased and beach-combed items, which are displayed in vignettes around my house and sometimes appear in my etsy listings. The treasured abalone and 2 conch shells, whose colors have faded slightly over time, were gifts from Grandpa when I was very small. However, the sea can still be heard in the conchs! The last few days have been dark for photo taking, so here's a few (purchased ones) gathered on the bookshelf.
A fellow-admirerer of Turbo sarmaticus! I have a few of those on display too.

Katbran, that is what you are referring to. Turbo sarmaticus-- South African turban shell. They polish off some of the exterior so that the iridescent interior layer is visible.

I'll photograph mine tomorrow when it's daylight. :)
Amazing, sometimes I think the shells are even prettier than the pearls. Would love to see your entire collection.

This is an excellent idea, Kelluv; if you didn't mind and ever have the time, Pattye?
The carved shell is really lovely! And I love the group shot! I'm looking forward to more pictures.

Wish I'd been to all the exotic places these shells originate from! (I haven't learned all their names either.) But they all called to me~

The abalone inlay boxes are from Mexico, as you likely guessed, purchased there.

One more pic, with Kamoka Valentine!

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Lovely photos, Pattye!!

I took a shot of my little family of Turbo sarmaticus shells. The close-up is of the one I got first. I was on holiday in Fish Hoek, South Africa, way back in '88 and came across a little shop with shells. I had never seen these turban shells before and was charmed.

The hills and valleys in the shell are all on the inside of the shell-- outside, the surface is more or less smooth. It's an interesting optical illusion. The camera does not adequately capture the iridescence-- lots of pink and green.


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    2 Turbo sarmaticus shells.jpg
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    close-up of Turbo sarmaticus.jpg
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OMG. Those are all gorgeous.

What's the blue green and white spiral one?
That is a green turban shell or marbled shell, Turbo marmoratus. The white section is a carved strip that reveals the iridescent layer under the surface.
(Pattye, I don't mean to crash your thread; hope you don't mind my input.)


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    green turban shell, carved.jpg
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Pattye, that's beautiful! What an eyeful!!

PearlDreams, I had never heard of Turban shells. That's cool -