My 9.0-9.5 Silver Blue Baroque Akoya Strand from PP

Thank you, Bonsava & amti. The white & blue mixed strands just arrived so I had to put them all together to see how they look together...I like it!!


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Oh gosh. Gorgeous. They look like they were made to be one necklace.
Thanks, Bonsava & BWeaves! I really like this look & I can wear all three, two together or one with the blue strand. Plus I can mix them with my white Akoya strands.
Thank you, Pattye & KaySD. I really like how they all look together. The white & blue akoya strands turned out really well.
I found this pair of Japanese blue Akoya with little brioletts of Santa Maria Aquamarine & blue Sapphire. I knew they would be perfect for my blue Akoya strands!!


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