my 2nd visit to Pearl Paradise

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By now some people probably assume that I am some kind of shill for Jeremy Shepherd and Pearl Paradise. Well, if you think that, this post isn't going to change your mind, so you might as well stop reading now. All I am is a very satisfied customer.

When I saw the pictures of the freshadama that were posted on this forum, I decided that I simply had to go see them in person. So I did, at Pearl Paradise's office now located in L.A. They're just moving in, so things were a little chaotic, but Kirsten and Jeremy (indeed, all the staff) were very obliging and my visit was very enjoyable.

When it comes to pearls, there really is nothing quite like seeing them in person. I saw a hanadama strand at the Mikimoto store in Las Vegas that went for $10,200. At Pearl Paradise I compared hanadama strands of equivalent quality to freshadama strands. Although the luster is not quite identical, as freshadamas lack the metallic sheen of the akoyas, the freshadamas have greater depth and orient. I can imagine a synthetic bead being created to look very much like the hanadamas, but I can't imagine a man-made item looking like the freshadamas. If someone bought a hanadama and accidentally recieved a freshadama instead, they wouldn't complain. It's difficult to express exactly how great the freshadamas are; all I could say when I first saw them was "Wow." Actually, I said that several times. Freshadamas really do render akoyas-all of them-irrelevant. When compared to the AA+ quality fw (the lowest Pearl Paradise offers), well, the lower-quality pearls look like chalk. Though certainly very good on their own merit (I bought some last year for a graduation present, and my mother bought some for herself after seeing mine), the AA+ fw simply can't hold a candle to the freshadamas. Those freshadamas are the most beautiful things I've ever held in my hand.

I liked the freshadamas so much I bought a pair of earrings pretty much on the spur of the moment. I figured it didn't make much sense to see some of the world's finest pearls in person and not bring some home with me. Though I was thinking of giving them to someone, I may just keep them for myself so I can look at them from time to time. They're that nice.

I also had wanted to find some dyed fw pearls to make into a tie tack and leather bracelet. Though Tahitians are usually used for such purposes, fw are a much better fit for my budget. The coloration of Tahitians also often tends toward green, one of my least favorite colors. Kirsten and I hunted through a variety of loose pearls and eventually settled on a pair of somewhat bronze-colored dyed fw. She had brought out one of the Tahitian-and-leather necklaces (as seen on Pierce Brosnan et al.) to compare the Tahitian's color to other pearls'. At the time, I was not a big fan of the Tahitian-on-leather necklace. Then I made a big mistake.

I tried one on.

I was wearing a black silk shirt at the time. I loved the way the necklace looked. I thought to myself, "Darn. Now I have to save up more money so I can get one of these." In this particular case, however, fate would intervene...

The dyed fw pearl I had chosen for the bracelet was a very good match for the tie tack. It was also the only one of its kind that we had seen in their inventory. The coloration was definitely not like any of the others that we had seen. While being the drill hole was being enlarged, though, the nacre surrounding the drill hole on one end cracked and a flake, about 3 mm across and .5 mm deep in its largest dimensions, came off. Had I been planning this to be a gift, I would have been really disappointed. Since it was just for myself, though, it didn't bother me too much. (Thank goodness for solid-nacre pearls!) I think it just adds a little more character to the pearl. At least, that's what I can tell my friends who see it.

Jeremy, however, was very kind and gave me a Tahitian-and-leather necklace. The Tahitian pearl was a surprisingly good match for the fw. He also had his art director, Natalie, shoot the bracelet and necklace at my request, since I figured some here on the forum might want to see the pieces. Pics to follow...

Visiting Pearl Paradise was certainly a very unique and very fun experience. What other multi-million dollar business has personnel, much less a company president, who are wiling to give personal attention to a part-time drug-store employee?
both together

the fw

the Tahitian
Hi Mike,

I am so happy to hear you saying it. Thank "whatever you believe in" for solid nacre and while akoyas in the present marketed form are imitations of imitations and easily replaced by such, freshadamas are real cultured pearls and can only be matched by the finest naturals but never by bead-nucleated cultured "pearls" or imitations. Even the dyed-dark freshwater pearl has a deeper and more alive luster than the Tahitian.

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In this particular case, before I saw the titles, I figured the colorful one was the Tahitian. In this case, I like the dyed CFWP better than the Tahitian.
I would SO like to see a tissue only nucleated Tahitian- I bet the depth of the luster and the orient on it would be fabuloso! I wouldn't mind if it were off-round, or even circle', or baroque.....
To be fair, I don't know that this particular Tahitian is absolute top quality. It was free, after all, and even a lower-grade Tahitian for free is pretty darn good! So comparing a pretty exceptional fw to a middle-grade Tahitian isn't exactly apples-to-apples. Even Kirsten got excited when she found that fw, since it had good luster and was a very good color match for the tie tack!

While I was there, Jeremy showed me a broken akoya pearl. You read about the fractions-of-a-millimeter nacre depth, but never really realize what that means exactly until you actually see a flake of nacre that is literally paper-thin. (and we're not talking heavy-duty construction paper, either) The luster was not too bad, but it's certainly true that there really isn't a whole lot of pearl there. And that was a high-quality akoya, too. Mr. Mikimoto is rolling over in his grave.
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So we are agreed that dyed FW pearls can be quite nice? Even better than less lustrous Tahitians in some cases?

Thanks, I remember someone telling the forum a few weeks back that dyed FW luster can never compare to natural Tahitian colors. But it is clear that some fw do have better luster than some Tahitians as well as the generally accepted vice versa.

It is one of the great things about this forum is that it is actually educating people and I am delighted that fine freshwater pearls are emerging as contenders in several categories.
I have to reply about the pearl nacre and the Tahitian.

The piece of nacre from the split Akoya came from a 9mm Japanese strand. The nacre measured .44 in the thinnest portion, and and .76 in the thicker side. It really did come from a top-quality Akoya pearl.

The Tahitian that I gave Mike was a clean, round, with medium luster. When the freshwater chipped I felt horrible because the color was exactly what he was looking for. It can be a delicate operation increasing a .7 hole to a 1.5, especially with an older, highly treated CFWP. It was my mistake not to drill it personally as our driller had not done this before, and by drilling too far from one side cracked a piece of opposing nacre. So, to make up for it, Mike got a free Tahitian on leather. I knew he wanted one, but was going to save up for it. Not to mention he is an incredibly nice guy.
I doubt Mr. Mikimoto intended for ebay and the market in general to be flooded with cheap akoyas. And given the fact that what I saw is considered top-quality, I can only imagine what the really cheap stuff looks like. (the horror...)

Tara (the driller) was very nice, and like I said, I wasn't too upset that the pearl got chipped, so I wasn't going to hold it against her :) and the Tahitian is quite clean and round. Even my brother, who isn't really much of a pearl expert, could immediately see the difference between the slightly off-round fw and the round Tahitian.

Oh, I almost forgot: When my father looked at the freshadama earrings with a magnifying glass, he said, "Are you sure they're real? They're so smooth and flawless." Yes, dad, they're real.
Very neat mikehrz! I noticed the same thing when comparing the freshadama to a hanadama strand - that hard, metallic luster of the akoya. The freshadama has a softer, deeper glow.

A visit to PP is on my list as well. The plan: send the kids with the devoted husband to Disneyland while I visit my own version of Disneyland: Pearl Paradise!

youngster said:
A visit to PP is on my list as well. The plan: send the kids with the devoted husband to Disneyland while I visit my own version of Disneyland: Pearl Paradise!

I envy you, I'll have to wait for the next spring, but my devoted husband will be with me.....
Hi Mike,

Great Pics! Now my Husnabd really wants a tathitian! I wants a pearl on a leather thong... I had already been planning on getting him one for the holdays when he read your story!

I must say for a man who claims he is "not interested in pearls" he reads over my shoulder a lot when I am here.. I constantly hear "go back to that thread I was not done reading it" LOL .....

Hi Ash,
If the Tahitian on leather can work for me, then pretty much any guy should be able to wear it, not just the impossibly handsome "Pearl Princes." (Of course, I'm sure your husband is impossibly handsome.) As I said in another thread, I had thought that only really macho types could wear it, and I'm not one of them. But, I'm the first to admit when I'm wrong.

I also tried on a white pearl (not sure what type exactly) on leather as a bracelet. It didn't really blend in with my skin tone; rather, it jumped off my wrist and hit me in the eye. Perhaps someday when I'm in a really flamboyant mood... It actually did look kind of nice, but it really stood out.
Hi Mike,

LOL.... I really like the look! It is different, can be simple but elegant! very versatile!

Definitely consider getting him a matching bracelet too. It completes the look quite nicely, I think. Plus, they're rarer than the necklace, so it's got the whole exclusivity thing going for it too. And of course it would be cool to see someone else with the piece I thought of...
Sounds like you had a great time!

I also tried on a white pearl (not sure what type exactly) on leather as a bracelet.Mikehrz:

I have been lusting over a bracelet from Paspaley for ages that has just 3 white pearls on it, set on a gold chain. I wonder how that would look with large Freshadama? Of course the whole point of THAT bracelet is to be seen so it should "jump up and hit you in the eye".

Do you have a pierced ear? Maybe you could wear one of your earrings. You know, pose for us. Pics please? Anything from PP would look good on, you know?

Sorry, no piercings. I'm not that kind of guy.

I wonder, though, if anyone has tried pearls for piercings other than ears?
I've thought of it - a dangling pearl for a belly-button piercing would work I think but I cannot find a source for the findings (I've not looked really hard, it is a back burner idea) so if anyone knows a source...?
In fact anywhere that you can put a tacky glass sparkle you should put a pearl really...