Multiple Ear Piercing People, What do you wear Alongside Pearl Earrings?

Indeed, white and natural colored pearls all play very nicely together!
It took viewing lots of photos on this forum for me to realize that all pearls go together, even if they don't match. I'm thrilled you bought tiny pearls. I was going to suggest that, too.
Thank you Marianne, Katbran and BWeaves, I am really excited to see them in person! Already this forum is enabling me ....:o
So, I personally only have single piercing, but, I have seen multiple piercing "earring stackings" on Heather Benjamin, and almost fell off the chair on the creative way she combines and creates the stacking. I mostly traditionally think oh the lowest piercing gets largest dangle, and the upper ones should be small studs. But WOW Heather broke my stereotypical thinking. This is the only time I was like hmm wish I had multiple ear piercings lol! And the shell horns play so well with pearls...

Purranha, those are great looks! I LOVE the way she has dangles in the upper piercings as well. Sometimes I wear a dangle in my middle piercing because they are even for one thing (thanks piercer from when I was five) and it's a "sturdier" piercing, but I've always been worried it looked weird, now I will worry less!
I never thought of putting a dangle in the middle piercing, either, but those look great.

Of course, I hear dangle, and I think weighty pearl drop, where hers are more lightweight.
I have three holes as well, and I've always loved switching it up and putting the longer earring in the middle hole. Could also look at ear climbers for your second holes too!
I'm glad I'm not the only one, Jesskat!
MSC that is a good idea, I have never tried a threader or thought of that, but I love the way the long threaders look
MSC, argh! I bet that technique would have helped me keep my Tahitian threader earring that I lost back in May! good idea to try :D
MoonSprinkles - not at all! :) My third holes also really hate anything except gold, so I'm picky about what to get for them, too. I don't know why sensitivity happens in one set and not another...
MoonSprinkles - not at all! :) My third holes also really hate anything except gold, so I'm picky about what to get for them, too. I don't know why sensitivity happens in one set and not another...

I know! I don't know why they are so picky!
I have a hard time using my threaders even in my first piercing! It feels like I'm pulling a rasp through (even with a lubricant). Someday I will have to remove the threader finding and replace it with something else.
I got them! They came so fast and are really really nice. I am wearing them here with my lavender studs from PP. IMG_20180822_150036163.jpg