Multicolour strand - drill fault or natural blemish?


Well-known member
May 3, 2024
Hello all, longtime lurker (and admirer) here!

I just received a multicolour strand and whilst I like the colours, there are three pearls that give me pause.

They all seem to have had some “cracking” near the drill holes - please can I ask for your wisdom on what it is I’m seeing? Will this affect the durability of the pearls?

Thank you!

PS - apologies if this has been posted in the wrong subforum!

I would say those flaws were there before drilling, although with the center pearl there may have been a bit of breakage of the knob during drilling; it's hard to say. It probably won't get worse. It's a necklace; it's not like it will get banged around, the way a bracelet might.

But if you are not really satisfied with the appearance of the necklace, send it back while your return window is open. Things that bother you now will probably bother you more over time. Another necklace will come along that you like better.
Hi Pomelo and welcome! Another option, if you LOVE your strand, but are bothered by those 3 pearls ... wear the strand for a while. If the 3 still bother you, contact any of the vendors mentioned here and there, and replace just those 3 pearls; it can make a world of difference.
Those are pretty significant blemishes. Cathy has a good idea if you like the rest of the strand, you can replace those three pearls. Or you can remove them from the strand and create a shorter length. Unfortunately, that one pearl is the big blue center pearl.
Some years ago I bought a Tahitian necklace secondhand. The original buyer disliked a few of the pearls, but instead of replacing them or returning the necklace to the vendor within her return window, she sold it at a significant discount from what she paid for it. Lucky me!

However, I found myself not wearing it much. Turns out a few of the pearls bothered me, too. The center pearl had a weird little bump that was always rotating to face outward; it drew my eye. Also, the overall color pattern didn't flatter my complexion or go well with my clothes.

Since I am able to do my own stringing, I hunted for loose pearls to replace the ones that bugged me. It took me a little while; they had to graduate nicely with the rest of the necklace and the colors had to work. I got 3 loose pearls from Carolyn Ehret (druzydesign) on eBay. Cost of replacement pearls, around $280. And now it's my favorite necklace of all.

And the bumpy former center pearl is now the center pearl in a necklace I assembled for my husband. He loves it!

It really helps to be able to do your own stringing. It's worth learning how; it opens up possibilities.
As for durability, the smaller two pearls look like natural blemishes and would most likely not be problematic. I would maybe be concerned about the center pearl. Photos can sometimes exaggerate an area, but it looks like there might be some new chipping in addition to the natural blemish. Tahitians are very durable so you will get lots of wear from the strand, but if those pearls bother you, then I would either replace them, remove them, or return the strand. I’m so glad you came out from lurking to play with us!
Thank you @Pearl Dreams @CathyKeshi @jeg for your feedback!

I figured that I didn’t like the strand enough to keep it, mostly because after spending some time with it, I realised that I loved the way this strand photographs (that blue, the gold, the silver and peacock) but I didn’t like it on my neck!

It’s also amazing to learn from you all about what these different blemishes are and how impactful they might be. I am a real klutz and don’t baby my jewellery so it’s taken me some time to dip my toe into the pearl world, but I’m hooked :love:

I definitely need to learn how to string @Pearl Dreams ! I’ve been looking at tutorials online and would like to make it a summer learning project haha.

(And apologies - is there a way to quote everyone’s responses separately? I can’t seem to find how to do it!)

That strand looks so beautiful on you! But certainly understandable about the return. There are so many multi-colored Tahitians out there- you’ll find the right one(s) for you. I don’t baby my pearls at all. I think you’ll find them quite durable, especially when worn on the neck or ears.

I’m not sure if this is what you’re asking, but if you click on reply on the post you want to quote, their quote will come up and you can add a reply.
That strand looks so beautiful on you! But certainly understandable about the return. There are so many multi-colored Tahitians out there- you’ll find the right one(s) for you. I don’t baby my pearls at all. I think you’ll find them quite durable, especially when worn on the neck or ears.

I’m not sure if this is what you’re asking, but if you click on reply on the post you want to quote, their quote will come up and you can add a reply.

Thanks! And absolutely, Tahitians are opening me up to a world of colour. I tend to prefer neutrals but Tahitians are amazing :love:

And apologies, I wasn’t clear enough with my request for replying to posts - I’d like to multi-quote and reply to multiple posts in a single post of my own.
I definitely need to learn how to string @Pearl Dreams ! I’ve been looking at tutorials online and would like to make it a summer learning project haha.

(And apologies - is there a way to quote everyone’s responses separately? I can’t seem to find how to do it!)

Here is a link to my tutorial in our Lowly Beaders Club section; see if it helps at all. Others have also posted their own threads in that section.


I’m not sure if this is what you’re asking, but if you click on reply on the post you want to quote, their quote will come up and you can add a reply.

Yes, this is how I do it too. As you can see @Pomelo, you can edit the post you are quoting so as to only include the part you wish to respond to, or even bold it as I did there.
Some years ago I bought a Tahitian necklace secondhand. The original buyer disliked a few of the pearls, but instead of replacing them or returning the necklace to the vendor within her return window, she sold it at a significant discount from what she paid for it. Lucky me!

However, I found myself not wearing it much. Turns out a few of the pearls bothered me, too. The center pearl had a weird little bump that was always rotating to face outward; it drew my eye. Also, the overall color pattern didn't flatter my complexion or go well with my clothes.

Since I am able to do my own stringing, I hunted for loose pearls to replace the ones that bugged me. It took me a little while; they had to graduate nicely with the rest of the necklace and the colors had to work. I got 3 loose pearls from Carolyn Ehret (druzydesign) on eBay. Cost of replacement pearls, around $280. And now it's my favorite necklace of all.

And the bumpy former center pearl is now the center pearl in a necklace I assembled for my husband. He loves it!

It really helps to be able to do your own stringing. It's worth learning how; it opens up possibilities.
@Pearl Dreams I’d love to see this necklace! Even better - do you have a before and after?

Here is a link to my tutorial in our Lowly Beaders Club section; see if it helps at all. Others have also posted their own threads in that section.

Yes, this is how I do it too. As you can see @Pomelo, you can edit the post you are quoting so as to only include the part you wish to respond to, or even bold it as I did there.
Ahh gotcha, have to press “reply” multiple times and it adds automatically. Thanks!
I had to hunt a bit, but yes, I found a "before" and "after" wearing a similarly colored shirt. (Pearls reflect clothing.) Although the strand now has less contrast, I like the colors better; they go with more of my clothes.

Basically I removed several silver colored pearls and replaced them with peacock colored pearls (rearranging the adjacent pearls a bit in the process), and replaced the central dark pearl with a pale bluish one. It took me a while to find the center pearl. It had to fit in with the other pearl colors and be the same size as the one I was replacing or else it wouldn't graduate nicely. I also wanted one that didn't have distracting surface characteristics as the original center pearl did. I ended up buying one of the seller's GF wire wrapped pendants and cutting the pearl loose.

Then I experimented with thread color. I started with Night, then Teal, and finally settled on Navy!
It took a bit of work but I finally got it the way I wanted.

So yeah, being able to restring made it possible. But buying loose pearls to replace other pearls (especially non-round pearls) can be tricky and can take time to source. If you can find a strand you love right from the start, that is certainly the best.




Then I found a smaller pre-owned strand that layers nicely with it. Win!

Tahitians in 2 sizes, layered.jpeg

Haha, I do love wearing blue in the summer!
Lovely strand and wow, that layering shot!!

I had to hunt a bit, but yes, I found a "before" and "after" wearing a similarly colored shirt. (Pearls reflect clothing.) Although the strand now has less contrast, I like the colors better; they go with more of my clothes.

Basically I removed several silver colored pearls and replaced them with peacock colored pearls (rearranging the adjacent pearls a bit in the process), and replaced the central dark pearl with a pale bluish one. It took me a while to find the center pearl. It had to fit in with the other pearl colors and be the same size as the one I was replacing or else it wouldn't graduate nicely. I also wanted one that didn't have distracting surface characteristics as the original center pearl did. I ended up buying one of the seller's GF wire wrapped pendants and cutting the pearl loose.

Then I experimented with thread color. I started with Night, then Teal, and finally settled on Navy!
It took a bit of work but I finally got it the way I wanted.

So yeah, being able to restring made it possible. But buying loose pearls to replace other pearls (especially non-round pearls) can be tricky and can take time to source. If you can find a strand you love right from the start, that is certainly the best.

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Then I found a smaller pre-owned strand that layers nicely with it. Win!

View attachment 469572

Haha, I do love wearing blue in the summer!