Multi-Strand (3 or more) Necklace Challenge!


Pearl Scholar
Dec 26, 2005
Calling All Designers, Knotters, Stringers, Beaders, Crafters~

It's been awhile~time to challenge ourselves, ok? Let's hope we get some takers! Make a multi-strand necklace, 3 or more strands! Give the details and show photos here. A great chance to ask questions about the process and share awesome successes! EVERYBODY WHO PARTICIPATES WINS A PRIZE!

1. The necklace must contain pearls, but can also include other gemstones, beads, or similar items, can be recycled beads, etc. Any questions, please ask, this should be fun!
2. Must be three (3) strands or more. (Long ropes don't count for this challenge, lol)
3. Necklace can be on wire or knotted or wire wrapped, but does not have to be knotted.
4. Include in your post(s) design challenges, choosing a clasp, choosing stringing material, tools used.
5. How does it feel when you wear it?
6. What do others say who see it? Compliments?
7. Is it versatile, what do you wear it with?
8. Give it a NAME worthy of your work!

I've been wanting to make some torsades, but keep putting it off, so this helps push me also!

The next 3 months should give us plenty of time, so I'm thinking Sept 1, 2013 would be a great cut off date.

If you've made something recently that fits the criteria, please get busy and post photos and requested info.

Your Prize will be a Surprise!
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I don't think I'll have much use for a three stranded necklace - nor the money to invest in the pearls I would want one to be made up :) I still have my 5 stranded bracelet project floating around but again I have the same problem with the pearls - probably need a better laptop for my photo editing instead... Hopefully some of the other creative people will take up the challange.

- Karin

I like those challenges!! They let us see lot of interesting designs.

Let me be the first one to contribute.

The pictures in this post are not new, you saw them. This necklace is the only multiple row necklace that I made and kept. It was a real B#$%ch to make. To get the strands the length I wanted WHEN WORN, was not easy, to place bigger pearls the way that they look "just right" sprinkled around, was even more difficult. When flat on the table all looked fine... once put on the neck, it was all wrong. Some strands I re-did few times. To have this "messy" look I imagined while planning the necklace, was not so easy. Took a lot of planning to make the mess look right.... I'm not about to do something like that again any time soon... LoL....

It's knotted before and after bigger pearls. Clasp is SS, the tassel is detachable. Pearls are 2.5-3mm and 7.5mm

Now, girls, show me your goodies.....
I need help with one step before I can contribute. How do you attach multiple strands when you're using bullion? One person said they start theirs on jump rings and then attach those to the clasp. Any other ways?


I remember that piece, Ivona. It's gorgeous!

- Karin
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I like those challenges!! They let us see lot of interesting designs.

Let me be the first one to contribute.

The pictures in this post are not new, you saw them. This necklace is the only multiple row necklace that I made and kept. It was a real B#$%ch to make. To get the strands the length I wanted WHEN WORN, was not easy, to place bigger pearls the way that they look "just right" sprinkled around, was even more difficult. When flat on the table all looked fine... once put on the neck, it was all wrong. Some strands I re-did few times. To have this "messy" look I imagined while planning the necklace, was not so easy. Took a lot of planning to make the mess look right.... I'm not about to do something like that again any time soon... LoL....

It's knotted before and after bigger pearls. Clasp is SS, the tassel is detachable. Pearls are 2.5-3mm and 7.5mm

Now, girls, show me your goodies.....

Oh my word, this is amazing, I love this!!!!
I need help with one step before I can contribute. How do you attach multiple strands when you're using bullion? One person said they start theirs on jump rings and then attach those to the clasp. Any other ways?




I'm glad you are considering making a necklace like this! There are a variety of multistrand clasps. Some clasps have an individual loop for each strand, which works well when using gimp. Also some clasps that have a cone style end with a bar across the inside that can be tied into. A cone can also be used on each end to gather multiple strands, tied onto a looped wire, which is then pulled inside the cone and the end wirewrapped to the clasp.

Perhaps others can come up with some suggestions. How many strands were you thinking of?
IVONA your necklace just takes my breath away! it is so beautiful - AND imagining the work that went into it makes my brain hurt - i'm so impressed!
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Here is a link to my one and only torsade: I'll have to make something new, though.

I shouldn't say one and only because I actually made and sold three. I wore the first one to work and it was purchased off my neck for a gift. Another guy saw it at the same time and ordered one for his wife. The third necklace was ordered by a friend of someone who received one of the gifts. If I wear something I have made, I have a hard time turning down a sale, knowing that I can probably replicate it. :)
Imanit and GemGeek, your artistry is stunning! I'm so impressed with your design and skills.

I guess I have enough pearls now to make a triple strand necklace, but I'm not sure that's what I'd want to use them for. I have a design in mind, but I'll probably try it on a bracelet first. If there's a contest, I can't wait to see the finished pieces. Everyone here is so very talented.
I Love LoVe LOVE both of them!!! Just amazing!!! I used to have a jewelry business before I started planing for my second child about 8 years ago. I absolutely loved it so. I am a wee bit rusty but what the heck!!! I'd love to join in. I have a ton of gemstones but no loose pearls, so I have to look into getting some. I also can't believe how expensive findings are now and they are plated. I still have quite a few sterling silver and some 14K but you can't find any of that stuff in stores now. Can anyone point me in the right direction for quality findings? My supplier has since closed up shop. I do think I remember seeing some suggestions for pearls books, so I will look there too. I want to make sure I'm buying pearls that will last. I remember someone saying that the thickness of the layer of nacre is really important. I have been itching to get back into jewelry making and maybe this is just the thing I need to get me started. My LO is starting kindergarten in August, so I will definitely need something to do with all that free time. Thank you in advance for any suggestions you can give me. ~d

ETA: Correction
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Hi Patty, Thanks for the suggestions. Here's where I get stuck - First strand, do you start at the top or in the middle ring of the triple clasp? Then, when you go to attach the second strand, bullion on silk through the next ring, do you just drop the entire first strand and both ends of the clasp through the loop in your hand and continue knotting between the pearls? Same for the now double necklace, for the third strand?

I hope I'm expressing this clearly. Please say so, if I'm not and I'll try again.

I can see why people would use a cone or the bar system. I've done that with beads and such.


I looked at the one Imanit posted and the pearls seem to be held inside a bar of some sort. Is that correct?