More Mysterious Mollusk Material?


New Member
Jul 12, 2013
100_0779.jpg Graduated 4-6 clasp.jpg

This is a 17" graduated strand I'm told was purchased in the mid 1980s. I believe the pearls range from maybe 3.5mm to 6mm. Note the little marking on the clasp which I'd guess is another depiction of an open oyster. Looks kind of like an L.

Any opinions on these?
No ideas? Do they look like real akoyas? Wish I knew more about them. They were supposedly bought in Hawaii.
Did you do the tooth test on them? Rub 2 pearls together gently.
Real nacre is rough, fake nacre-like coating is smooth.
Edited to add: I have stopped recommending rubbing pearls against teeth (“Tooth test”) Teeth are harder than pearls and can scratch them.
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Hi Anne21,

I have three like this. I would be cool if there was a way to research them through some kind of database. I also have one with two arrows pointing up. I searched and someone had asked about the marking before on here but got no replies. That is the marking on a strand that I have that has horse hair? Instead of the French wire. I have been researching all day and came up empty with both markings. ~d
Pearl Dreams, I did try the tooth test and it's a little gritty feeling. I guess I'm not real confident in my evaluations.

Seems like I remember seeing you have quite a collection, CharmedOne. I specifically remember that gorgeous strand of multicolors that I think you got on ebay. That's pretty impressive! I'm' not sure I'd trust myself to find something good on there. I have another strand with a strange mark on it that looks kind of like a capital script W with the right top end going off into a curl. Haven't managed to take a good picture of that one yet.

I have an older four strand necklace that has a broken clasp (the piece that slides into the other side doesn't catch - I don't know what that kind of clasp is called, some kind of spring, maybe) that may be cultured but I'm unsure. They do seem a little gritty to the tooth test, but it's obvious that the metal is slightly corroded on the back of the clasp and it's not marked in any way. There's another string that has a kind of barrel-clasp that screws closed. I took them out yesterday and noticed they felt very cold (and it was a HOT day) so now I'm unsure about them. I thought the ones with the base metal findings were more likely to be imitation pearls (sounds nicer than fake. ;) but I don't really know. Guess I need to take more pictures and see what you more experienced people think. I don't really want to take them to an appraiser and get laughed at.
Sometimes the mark on the clasp only identifies the company that made the clasp, not the strand of pearls. If the company is big and important, like Mikimoto, or even Honora, they may have custom clasps made just for them. It feels good when you find a reference to the markings, but I suspect many go unidentified.

Please do post photos of your other pearls. This strand appears somewhat off round so based on the size and if the date is correct, they would be akoya from Japan, not Chinese freshwaters.
Pattye, you're probably right about the marking on the clasp. As I have recently made my first purchase from Pearl Paradise, I noticed the same little marking as in my picture above on that clasp. And now I'm in love with one of your creations as well. :)

CharmedOne, I've been tied up with work but will try to get a good picture of the other clasp and its marking.
They are considered pearl clasps, so that makes sense that some have an oyster on them. I have masses of them at home. I'll have to check it out! :)
Hi Anne21,

I have three like this. I would be cool if there was a way to research them through some kind of database. I also have one with two arrows pointing up. I searched and someone had asked about the marking before on here but got no replies. That is the marking on a strand that I have that has horse hair? Instead of the French wire. I have been researching all day and came up empty with both markings. ~d

Charmed One
Finding or creating some kind of database or at least collection of photos, is a great idea and one I have thought would be very helpful, if it could be done. I wouldn't know where to start, but it sounds like a good project. If we combed the posts here for photos of clasps with markings, we could begin such a data base, let alone finding good examples online. Best would be discovering it has already been done for the USA. I think maybe Gt Brit has a protocol about those markings....and its probably up online. Good project for an investigation! So I hope everyone reading this will keep it in mind and if you see photos of a clasp and its markings elsewhere, copy it over here.