Mikimoto, or not? Please advise!

I got a call today from Mikimoto in New York. They received my strand, and said that they are authentic Miki! I'm so excited! They are going to restring it and replace the damaged gems, and then do an appraisal/valuation certificate. I'm tickled!! Thank you all so much for your input. This has been such a good learning experience for me.
That's so awesome and a relief! Good to know that the divots were damaged pearls, too.
gandkbenson: WhooHoo!!!! It's so nice that you had a happy ending and they are the real deal. You got a heck of a good deal!!! Wear them in the best of health!!! I suspect they will arrive from Mikimoto looking spiffy and new.
Isn't this wonderful news!?! Congratulations, and I can't wait to see the pearls after they've been refurbished!
I've been following this saga, and I'm glad for a happy ending! We'll need photos, naturally.

It's nice of Mikimoto to replace the damaged pearls, but that's how you preserve your reputation. I'm sure they don't want to certify bad pearls as Miki.
I'm happy to share that my pearls finally came back today! I am thrilled to have the valuation certificate along with a newly re-strong strand a beautiful Mikimoto pearls. Now, I have to decide if they are worth keeping, LOL. I have learned so much on here that I may sell them, buy an equally beautiful but not branded strand, and use the rest for a better purpose! Ha. Thank you guys again for all of your input. IMG_2198.jpg
Whhoooo...glad it went well!
A1 is the lowest grade...below A grade. I almost bought a A1 but the nacre looked thin & green in some places & they has pits/ holes near the holes. They tried to replace those bad pearls but I told the to take it back & I the credit on a A strand which I've since sold.
Great pictures comment....In my little corner of the Midwest, ( and 2 miles from the US Open) I have competed with Mikimoto
for 49+ years and our AAA are 1/2 , at wholesale to jewelers, than M........... It is a brand and that name is what you are paying for
the oyster doesn't know who he is growing them for ! If the importer has a long relationship, admired in Japan, with a company they
will bend over backward for you. The most valuable lesson I learnt at college in Tokyo in the 60"s . Brands don't mean squat. Check
Mercedes in Consumer Reports. Who pays for the multi thousand dollar venues at the US Open the customer ! Or the local worker
who was fired for cheaper labor in China...... rats Blah Blah
It's quite a happy conclusion, that Mikimoto replaced the flawed pearls, and authenticated the clasp. Now we have another clasp image for the file.
I believe divots are considered 'flaws', not damage, per se.

Can anyone remember who was accumulating Mikimoto clasp images, here on PG?