Mikimoto or No?

back to the pc..... here's the photo's


the light blue I think is adorable.... the different shapes that some may not like , I think gives character.

The other is the Coro set... dang that is so long..
these are the last two.

A peachy color and a double strand 2 color necklace. And I threw in a pic of the clip earrings just for fun! Enjoy the photo's. again, thanks to all!

who says you cant learn something new in a coffee shop....lol after all the reading of "take photo's in macro setting" I have seen on here, someone (cant remember who) started putting the word "flower" along with it. Last night while playing with my camera at the race qualifying, low and behold , I found the "flower" so I thought I should show off the education you gave me and retake a couple of shots of the "pearls" you all have been so kindly in helping me with in the macro setting. Here ya go....

Macro Photo shots  (5).jpgMacro Photo shots  (1).jpgAAAMix color / size / quality ( A-AAA )Mix Color
I'm glad you stuck around. So what do you think? Is that an opalescent glass bead under the goop?

I think her taste was fun. It looks like the fake pearls were her 'go to' necklace. The others look virtually unworn.
who says you cant learn something new in a coffee shop....lol after all the reading of "take photo's in macro setting" I have seen on here, someone (cant remember who) started putting the word "flower" along with it. Last night while playing with my camera at the race qualifying, low and behold , I found the "flower" so I thought I should show off the education you gave me and retake a couple of shots of the "pearls" you all have been so kindly in helping me with in the macro setting...

Macro Photo shots  (5).jpgMacro Photo shots  (2).jpgMacro Photo shots  (1).jpgGoldA few Gold


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one more thing, I need to devise a plan for the group here to learn about all vintage/costume jewelry...... lol..... there is no other group/place out there to get the kindness and help that you guys all give. I need all the help I can get..lol maybe we can clone you all and get that half in other jewelry types....lol.....just saying!
well, there is my funny for the day! lol
Thanks Pearl Dreams,
I guess I like the things that , according to me kids, are strange and different. lol
Lucky me...... I found you guys from a google search, so I decided to try again, I found a forum for vintage jewelry!
Don't ya just gotta love google.... Gosh, I hope I love that site as much as this one.
Pleeeeease, before you go - (1)What is under the gunk? I'm dying to know
(2) best of luck on your vintage jewelry website
(3) pls stay in touch:)
I don't know what is under there. I don't even know what should be under there. Im so clueless about pearls. those pics in #46 are showing the one pearl with after the nail polish remover testing. I placed it back with the rest so you could see the difference. should I dip it again and then send more pics? ( the last couple are of more that was in the collection I am just trying to find out what they are.
are you talking about the shiny strand that was included with the pearls in #46? You calling those natural onyx beads? I am trying to find out what those are. The look "wet" or "oily" but they are actually dry. I love the way the color lines show
Gem Geek,
VintageJewelryforum.com is the site. Im not thinking I am gonna be as happy there as here....I am waiting still to be approved and then will hopefully get to post. may be just me, but the posting process looks to be a lil complicated. says that is a "post" button on top and bottom. aint seen it yet. maybe I have to be approved first. The community doesn't seem to communicate with each other as well as yall do here. (from what I have read so far anyways) But I don't wanna jump the gun so I will see what its likes before I say to much. lol I think I am just spoiled to way you all do things.lol
Yes, the shiny beads in #46. Onyx is a chalcedony that often shows those beautiful bands of color. (like agate) I think these beads are hand formed in Mexico. Do hope you will wear and enjoy them!
Yall have any idea about these? Maybe the tag? Or the stone? They have a pretty shine. Look "wet" but they are dry. there is a different bead type between every 2 shiny beads. they are peeling on most. This one here had never even been worn. It was picked up on her travels but im not sure where. Im thinking Mexico by the tag. I think the tag is says "Fine artist " best I can translate. I have image search google with this necklace and got no results .
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Thanks Marianne,
Sadly I don't think I will be keeping these. I had a large collection left to me of different pieces. I plan to sale some of them. I am currently trying to find out what all of the pieces are. Then hope to be able to get some kind of value estimate on them. I think they are beautiful, but I see no need in keeping all of them, especially things I know I wont wear. Be better to let someone get them that can / will enjoy them.