Mikimoto Double Strand Neckless


New Member
May 31, 2012
What I had originally posted was my having a Mikimoto Double Strand Pearl neckless (98 pearl each strand). I purchased them in Japan in 1957 for my wife. She wasn't that enthused about them so they have lain in a dresser drawer all those years. The come with the Miki , satin lined box with the Miki logo. I would like to get an idea as to their worth.
We usually try to get photos of the items before passing out the advice. Because we love those photos and they add to our superb collection. So I do hope you will let us see your beauties!
Mikimoto Double Strand Neckless Phot

Mikimoto Double Strand Neckless Phot

As suggested, will post a photo of the double strand neckless with the case.
Apparently my posted photo did not "fly". Can I get a step-by-step tutoring on how to insert the photo into the message