Mikimoto baroque pearls - Do they really exist??


Pearl Designer & Collector
Jan 25, 2007
Hi all,

Have a customer who was given a necklace of baroque pearls with a certificate and some kind of Miki mark on the back of clasp. She has her doubts as to if they are genuine mikis. So do I.

Did Mikimoto ever put out white Akoya baroque necklaces. Only real description so far of pearls I have is that they are wrinkled and beautiful. Customer will love them regardless as they were a present but is naturally curious.

Can anyone help here. I have asked for photos so I can post them. Will do as soon as I have them. But in the meantime did Miki put out any baroques.

Thanks, Dawn
eBay ID dawncee333
Whether or not there are baroque mikis, I would love to see the clasp and the paperwork. I hope the photos are forthcoming soon.
Hi Dawn,

In the mid 90's when I was selling fine jewelry, one of my co-workers special ordered a Miki baroque akoya necklace for herself and wore it often. It got me interested in baroque pearls. I don't recall the exact size of pearls or length, but around 24 -26 inches or so.

The baroque were much less expensive than the round, perhaps only 1/4 to 1/3 of the rounds. We only carried the Miki rounds in the store, however. Looking forward to photos, of course!

So I would say, yes, Miki did baroque strands, no idea if they were promoted or how widely sold. So it is possible your customer could have baroque Mikis.
Hi again,

The lady told me now that she shouldn't have called them baroque as they are round but they are all crinkled and wrinkled. I can't wait for her to send me a photo too. She said they have very beautiful and to me it sounds like they would look a little like white Kasumis very crinkly ones. I know I have seen something like she is describing but I can't remember where. Might have been here!!!

Will post photos as soon as I get them.

eBay ID dawncee333

Here are some of the promised Miki photos. Not baroque but somewhat wrinkled. I am not a Miki expert so opinons really will be appreciated and a value if anyone knows of an approximate one.

Guess with Mikis that is a hard one. Also haven't received a really decent photo of the clasp but will try for another one.

Photos of pearls are fairly good though.

More on the way soon.

eBay ID dawncee333


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More of Miki photos.

All opinions if these are genuine Mikis are welcome. I would really like to help this lady out. She would love to know for sure. Although she loves them regardless.

eBay Seller ID dawncee333


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With the caveat that I know practically nothing about genuine Mikis, I think that is not an actual certificate, it is an insert. There seems to be no description. Was that a Miki shell on the closeup? I am not familiar with Mikis much, so I am using this thread to learn more. I like the pearls on that necklace very much, they are full of iridescence. If they are confirmed as Mikis I would say they are my favorite Mikis, so far. I love the clasp, too. Regardless of where it came from, that is an akoya necklace I would wear- because of the crinkly skins.
Hi Dawn,

In an internet search I found that Miki currently sells "silver seal" quality pearls under the Sea Magic by Mikimoto brand at a chain jewelry store in the US. "Silver seal" refers to a lower quality than A grade pearls, as you can see by the photos of the nacre irregularities. These pearls probably were purchased before Miki started selling under different brand names, including Blue Lagoon.

These are certainly pretty pearls, as Caitlin said, excellent luster and meant to be worn and enjoyed!

However, without knowing the provenance, there is no way to to tell your customer FOR SURE that they are Mikis-------only that it seems likely------IMHO------
Hi Caitlin,

The paperwork does look strange. Looks as if it just came with the pearls without anything being filled out. Could be one of Miki store lines though.

I can't make out the close up of the possibly Miki clasp either. I cut and sized it but it wasn't any clearer as a full size photo. I will try to get the lady to try and take a clearer photo of it. She did say it was not a clean Miki stamp as in blurred a little. But and I am totally guesing here, maybe Mikimoto don't put as much trouble even into their clasps if they are to be a store item.

A close friend, boyfriend or whatever bought them for her and from the sounds of it he did think he was buying Mikis for her.

I agree with you. They are lovely because of their crinkly skins. And she said that the throw beautiful lights back at her and she did think it was because of the crinkly, winkled skins. Much better than the sterile Mikis mostly seen.

Thanks, Dawn
eBay ID dawncee333

With the caveat that I know practically nothing about genuine Mikis, I think that is not an actual certificate, it is an insert. There seems to be no description. Was that a Miki shell on the closeup? I am not familiar with Mikis much, so I am using this thread to learn more. I like the pearls on that necklace very much, they are full of iridescence. If they are confirmed as Mikis I would say they are my favorite Mikis, so far. I love the clasp, too. Regardless of where it came from, that is an akoya necklace I would wear- because of the crinkly skins.
Hi pattye,

I do agree, it seems likely that they are Mikis. Hope I can get a better photo of the clasp. A good close up. Not blurred.

But regardless they are lovely and I think she has every right to be happy with them. I am sure she will wear and enjoy them. I wouldn't mind them :) Love that crinkly look.

Thanks, Dawn
eBay ID dawncee333

In an internet search I found that Miki currently sells "silver seal" quality pearls under the Sea Magic by Mikimoto brand at a chain jewelry store in the US. "Silver seal" refers to a lower quality than A grade pearls, as you can see by the photos of the nacre irregularities. These pearls probably were purchased before Miki started selling under different brand names, including Blue Lagoon.
These are certainly pretty pearls, as Caitlin said, excellent luster and meant to be worn and enjoyed!
However, without knowing the provenance, there is no way to to tell your customer FOR SURE that they are Mikis-------only that it seems likely------IMHO------