Selling them would be a good way to fund the research!
The 24 months is good news, that they are being left in so long with presumably stonking nacre.
If they are all first grafts from same size nacre there appears to be a huge variation in size.
They are beautiful pearls
Ummm, then don't sell them until they are drilled...?
Why sell the crop as one lot. Probably more money to be made from selling small well chosen parcels - though more effort too.
How many pearls are there?
I think some of us would be interested in baroques if the surface is good.
And while I understand that the researchers would want to keep some,if there is duplication then some could be sold to finance future research.
I cannot see that drilling would add significantly to the cost,
We could take up a collection for renovation of 'old rust bucket'?to include a state room for the exclusive use of Pearl-Guide members?in exchange for pearls (drilled or undrilled)?You could swim if you wanted to.
All access is by boat from Pohnpei. Since it's the closest major population centre. If memory serves it's a day and a half to two days via the cargo boat.
But there in lies another problem. Apparently one of the two cargo boats, the Micro Glory, spends more time tied alongside the wharf in Kolonia than it does running cargo.
I've seen the old rust bucket and it doesn't look pretty. There's no money that can be found to replace it's aging and often broken main engine.
?but seriously, it seems there are some real possibilities in Micronesia just an investor or two away from fruition. Ragnorak, you give the impression of being on the scene, and your enthusiasm is outshining all attempts at skepticism.