Matching pearls?


Mar 27, 2015
DK started a thread on PS about matching jewellery and it got me wondering - do you tend to wear pearl earrings with your pearl necklaces? Or do you opt for different earrings - diamonds, metal hoops etc?

And if you do match, are the earring pearls the same kind as the necklace?
Sometimes I wear pearl earrings with strands, sometimes other earrings -- and sometimes no earrings.

If pearl earrings, sometimes they are the same kind, sometimes not. My SS drops go very well with my baroque akoyas for example.
I'm not a matchy-matchy person. I tend to wear pearl drop earrings with a pearl pendant instead of a strand. I'll wear gold earrings with a strand. I tend to wear pearl studs when I'm not wearing any other jewelry.

My choices usually match for color. I mix my gSS with natural golden Akoyas, etc.
I love wearing pearl studs. And recently I've acquired a number of tin cups and pearl strands. I guess I never considered whether the look was too "matchy matchy".
I almost always wear pearl earrings (usually drops) with my pearl necklaces.

I usually try to match the overall appearance of the pearls, as opposed to actually matching akoyas to akoyas. So a metallic pair of baroque freshwater drop earrings actually look better with my natural white Hanadama rope than my akoya earrings do, because the akoya earrings are pinked. However the size and shape of the freshwater earrings are nothing like the pearls in the rope.

I'm probably more matchy matchy than most people on this forum, but I'm trying to break the habit.

I'm getting better about throwing on pearls that clash and doing a quick glance in the mirror to see if they work together or not. I'm finding out that just about any combination of pearls work together beautifully.
I do all of the above. Most of my pearls don't have enough matchy pieces to truly create a matchy-matchy look. I like matchy, coordinating and contrast :) Full on match can look quite dramatic at times: My large white baroque akoyas from PP look wonderful worn together; 2 nested necklaces, bracelet and earrings with diamond accents. On the other hand, my color change pink (ish) freshwater drop earrings look fabulous with all my multi-color Tahitian strands. Why? Can't really say, although I suspect it has something to do with overtones and orient. I probably make my decision first on color, then size, texture etc. When nothing else works, I go to gems or a simple gold hoop earring of some sort. Fun topic of discussion,
I'm matchy. My earrings typically match my strands in some way. But I'll also wear hoops with a pendant.
Semi matchy/ I'll match two items but beyond that I feel it's a bit obsessive, unless you are HM The Queen giving a state banquet in which case the matching parure of tiara, necklace , earrings, bracelet, stomacher, ring....etc is just understated.
I have noticed that people who wear big hoop earrings never buy pearls.
And it is the real test of a pearl seller too I think...can't stop pairing up. I've been chatting to Hisano and out of the corner of her eye there's one hand matching up some white south seas, or sitting in a wholesalers and they come over and a hand snakes over your shoulder and picks out a pair. Maybe we are all that bit obsessive?
Typically not matchy. Mostly diamond studs with strands. Or studs without necklaces. I feel a bit overwhelmed when I match pearl earrings to strands. Have tried pairing earrings and strands before and almost always ended up swapping for diamond studs instead.
I like to match things. I made a blue akoya necklace, so I also made matching earrings and bracelet. For ring, I use a greenish Tahiti one - goes really well. I also made a Tahiti tin cup with matching earrings and bracelet, various freshwater necklaces with matching earrings and bracelets. I have one beautiful ring from Kojima that goes well with almost all the FWP. Since I have so much stuff, I might as well match it :-)
Always matching if with strands but I wear studs with necklaces of other gemstones with matching color. I.e. GSSPs with yellow stones, lavender FW studs with purple stones, whites with diamonds or white stones, etc.
Today I'm wearing Kojima Tahitian necklace with earrings that have opals with the Tahitian pearl drops. Then amethysts, pink tourmalines, green tourmalines, blue topaz in my rings and bracelets, with white, yellow and pink gold settings.
I think it's fine whatever you wear as long as you can pull off the look, or if you like how it looks on you. I usually wear ring/pendant or ring/earrings. I like wearing a small amount of jewelry only but that's a personal preference.
I tried out a few looks this morning and decided I like both looks.






Silver Ts (I don't have matching earrings):


Tahitian keshi:


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My big white baroque akoyas are really the only pearls I have enough of to be obsessively queenlike matchy :) Today I had to go to a funeral, and wore black patent maryjane shoes (rough ground in cemetaries), black opaque tights, black and white midi-length tweed skirt, black sweater, black silk cami, and all those white akoyas ... really picked up the tweed in the skirt, and I felt great. I am kind of working on another matchy set though, with the small Vietnamese pistachio akoyas ... it helps if the pearls are stunning! Most of the time I mix more than I match.
Hanadama, I love the last look! Someday I'll need to make my own version. Of course, they all look terrific on you.