Manly Pearls

Adding to the thread with a candid shot of one of my good friend. He recently left the corporate world and now let the shirt collar open and sleeves up to reveal his everyday pearls... Tahitians only but it's a start :-)
Now I need to convince my husband :-)

photo (3).jpg
Love it! My husband is a great sport when it comes to wearing pearls. Good luck with yours!
I'm loving those Tahitians on dudes!

I use my husband's wrist to try out stretch bracelets on bigger wrists than mine. Does that count? He looks great in tiny rice pearls LOL.
I'm loving those Tahitians on dudes!

I use my husband's wrist to try out stretch bracelets on bigger wrists than mine. Does that count? He looks great in tiny rice pearls LOL.

It only counts if he does it in public or the presence of others, lol! Photos would be greatly appreciated ;)
Ooh, this is a good thread for eye candy! I sort of forced my boyfriend to wear a carved Tahitian on a leather cord for a while, lol, but he wasn't keen. When it broke he wouldn't put it back on. He DID hold my purse for me yesterday though! I was proud......

FrenchPearl your friend definitely pulls off the manly pearls look, good for him!
I'll pass on the compliments to him ! he will appreciated.

Where is Lisa c ? I was kind of expecting a comment from her a la "Tahitian lover" :D
Good morning, Dear Friends, lisa c is wrestling with falling plaster in Pittsburgh (as opposed to gorgeous Dutch - oops! I mean Tahitian men wearing pearls). Just picture me doing what I want to be doing, PLEASE... instead of what I am doing.

(I'm sneaking a glance at PG, putting off the dirty work. Shame on me!)
{and it's 12? F here this a.m. That's cold for me, tho not for you hardy polar region kids }
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I gave Peter one of the PP bracelets for Christmas last year because he was wearing one of Josh's Kamoka pearls on leather as a necklace.

First he didn't wear it because he couldn't work the lobster clasp (men don't have the same practice with putting on bracelets as most women do). Then Jeremy kindly changed the lock to a toggle clasp when we visited this summer. But he still hardly wears it :) I think he feels it's a little too dressy.

And talking of Josh, another choice is his Mana Collection:

- Karin
Pearls on cufflinks are terrific, and perfectly "manly".
Oh, what an invitation, FrenchPearl:rolleyes:!

Don't be impressed with my plasterwork, though. It's just cleaning and putting up plaster washers so the **** ceiling doesn't fall any further. The one plaster guy I know doesn't even do the full plasterwork any more, just slammed up drywall and plastered around it, and charged big bucks. 20yrs ago when he plastered my chimney, he did the real deal. That ​was worth the big bucks!