Lost Opportunities


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
A recurring lament among forum members is having spent a bit more on our pearl addiction than intended. Nonetheless, we’ve no doubt all regretted not having pulled the trigger on occasion. On a slow pearl day I was reviewing past communications and came up with my own example, below. Any others?

Early on in my pearl odyssey it became apparent that monopolists and wealthy American vacationers to the Bahamas had preceded me into the realm of conch pearls. This caused a severe reluctance to purchase based on the perception of dubious value. Thus conch, and non-nacreous pearls in general, remain almost totally unrepresented in our collection.

Not that I didn’t come across opportunities in the process of casting a wide net for exotic pearls. Witness the specimen in the photograph below. 12 carats, saturated pink color, perfect symmetry, blazing flame. I was offered this pearl by a Bahamian source immediately upon its discovery at what seemed the outrageous price of US$15,000. I balked and requested a higher resolution photo. But the pearl was sold the next day—to a yachting couple from New York.

That was 15 months ago, and the seller says he hasn’t seen a pearl of nearly the same quality since, and pricing from the conch fishermen has gone through the roof (thanks a lot, Hubert Bari!).

In light of the markets in the intervening months, would that those $15K have been in conch pearl form!


  • Conch(Lost)3.jpg
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I am glad I do not have a natural pearl obsession, as I can't afford it!

DK :)
Wow, Steve, that is Some Pearl! Mesmerizing!! Looks translucent!!! Can't recall any naturals that got away--but plenty of cultured!

And an Imperial Jade ring I ogled when I was in college (before layaway and credit cards) sooooo long ago(early 60's) costing the huge sum of $50------
A Thai imperial princess ring. About 11 different colors of ruby. 22kt gold. I had it for about 2 years. When I left my husband in 1979, I walked out the door in the clothes I was wearing. Didn't even take my passport.
Why didn't I just wear that ring?
I lost the Imperial Jade in my mum's ring during a drunken work do. It was not very big, but very clear and glassy, vividly green, and was very beautiful.

I must have knocked the ring against something, or one of the claws caught something, when I was drunk :o

I searched everywhere when I woke up in the middle of the night, even emptied the hoover that was used to tidy up by the hotel staff, and could not find it.

Since then I have not worn jade, as it reminds me of this event that happened about 15y ago :rolleyes:

I got to keep my job, just, and have not got drunk at a work do ever since!

DK :o
Did you ever seek a replacement? Miracles do happen?

I thought about putting an emerald in the ring, then decided I prefer hot pink and red gems to greens and blues instead.

Besides, to wear the ring again would bring back memory of the event, and somewhere in my mushy head says the ring has bad karma etc...

So I sold it dirt cheap (the centre stone is surrounded by 3 rows of diamonds) to the jeweller and put the money towards the cost of having a ruby ring made instead. I *think* he modified the ring before putting a centre stone in it, and then listed it for sale soon afterwards.

When my mum heard I have lost the stone, she said something in the line of, the ring had saved me from a bad event etc... I did not tell her I nearly had an accident driving back home as I was very tired, or I nearly lost my job due to drunken stupidity etc... :o

I was young la di da... :D

DK :)
>When my mum heard I have lost the stone, she said something in the line of, the ring had saved me from a bad event etc

Dkan, may I ask a question about that? It really intrigues me.

Did she mean something metaphysical in the sense of "offering itself for destruction instead of you?" Or did she mean that by falling out and making you look for it, it somehow changed the timing/order of events so that you wouldn't be in just the wrong place at just the wrong time? Also, is this an attitude toward just 'how the world works', or is there a specific link to a quality of jade?

You've said you're of Chinese descent ... may I ask if this is a specifically (or especially) Chinese belief? I'm asking because it's a very interesting way of looking at things. A very interesting way of making lemonade out of lemons. I am especially interested because our daughter is Chinese, and we're trying very hard to teach her Chinese customs/beliefs/attitudes/superstitions as well. (Just for example, she can tell you why the rabbit lives on the moon, and how his generosity led to his immortality. Or how lanterns saved the world at the end of the New Year celebration. Or how mooncakes helped the people organize to throw off the Mongols. Or taro root's importance at being the first food, found by the light of the moon. Or how bagua, lions, and tiger-eyes protect us. We're very sincere in our interest, I promise.) So I hope this isn't too personal of a question, but could you tell me if this comes from a Chinese belief?

Very respectifully,
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Today. I followed a used pearl drill on Ebay all week, and then left to go to my Dad's for Easter and forgot to put my bid in before I left, as it was ending while we were on the road. I am so bummed. I hope someone here got it. I'm feeling like it's a never ending quest on my part. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Did she mean something metaphysical in the sense of "offering itself for destruction instead of you?"

I believe she meant the jade offered itself for destruction to save me from a bad event, yes.

Being an agnostic myself, I do believe there are greater forces at work. It is better respect such forces rather than to dismiss them IMHO :)

My understanding/memory of Chinese folk stories is very poor, as I left HK when I was 14. While I was there, I went to a Catholic school from the age of 4/5yo, and Chinese folk stories were not widely taught.

I know one thing for certain though, mooncakes are yum :D

DK :)
This isn't about jewellry but I fell in love with a gorgeous antique secretaire with very slender turned legs, one of a kind (I'm talking about furniture here). Sigh...never saw another one.
Today. I followed a used pearl drill on Ebay all week, and then left to go to my Dad's for Easter and forgot to put my bid in before I left, as it was ending while we were on the road. I am so bummed. I hope someone here got it. I'm feeling like it's a never ending quest on my part. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

The seller just contacted me with a second chance offer - they have a second drill!
Yay - Sheryl that is great news.... I am still expecting mine any time now.
The seller just contacted me with a second chance offer - they have a second drill!


In the future, you might try esnipe.com. It's a very handy way to manage bids and minimize the chance of getting outbid at the last moment.
dkan wrote:
>I believe she meant the jade offered itself for destruction to save me from a bad event, yes.

I like that idea. :) I really, really like that. :) :)

>Being an agnostic myself, I do believe there are greater forces at work. It is better respect such forces rather than to dismiss them IMHO

I agree. And when daughter loses something again, I want to offer her this way of looking at it, and I'm going to tell her this outlook came from a lovely Chinese mother. :)

>I know one thing for certain though, mooncakes are yum

(The red bean and the lotus seed for me please. :D :D )

Thanks, dkan, I really do appreciate it. :)
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My uncle's house is FILLED with the most exquisite antiques, from tiny sterling trinkets to amazing, huge marble-top furniture. My large antique and jewelry purchases are few and far between, but they follow his advice: If you LOVE it, AND you can afford it, get it. Now. If you sleep on it, someone else will buy it and you may never see another like that. (**but don't forget the "AND you can afford it" part!**)
If you LOVE it, AND you can afford it, get it. Now. If you sleep on it, someone else will buy it and you may never see another like that.
Brings us back to my lost conch pearl. Unfortunately I only had the posted low-res photo from the source while 'sleeping.' It has subsequently become increasing clear just how rare a 12-carat example in deep pink?much less with perfect symmetry and evident flame?actually is.

Hindsight has been amplified to the max by the crash of the equity markets. The investment value of that pearl, at what amounts to bargain-basement pricing in Dr. Tom's world of natural pearls, was undeniable. Even more painful, I'm denied the opportunity to inspect and admire at will!

Keep in mind I'm only assuming the perfection of the pearl, apparently confirmed by the quick sale. I would still request hi-res from various angles!