

Beautiful colors indeed. They would make excellent pendants or drop earrings...maybe even bracelets ( with keshi's?)
How about making one into an enhancer?

I also like Boo's idea-- my husband would definitely wear a single baroque Tahitian on a leather cord.
Hi Akoya
I have found shecy pearl jewelry as a reliable source.
Shecy is one of the most troublesome, determined spammers we have ever had. In fact by mentioning their name, you are venturing into the waters of delete. Others have reported here that shecy AAA is smaller and worse than other company's AA, and posted the pictures to prove it, so they are cheats as well.

I suggest you search this site for honest comments on Shecy Pearl Jewelry.
Last edited:

How about Tahitian doggie collars? I'm thinking those little froo-froo dogs rich ladies wear as arm ornaments would love a stretchie pearl collar for Miss Muffy.

I also think these would look awesome dangling from a strand of leather. :)
They are lovely.

I think some of the tin-cup styles shown on Majestic Gems are very suitable for baroque Tahitians. One of the pics featured just 2 pearls on some sort of chain in different lengths, that might be affordable for most of us and drop shapes would look great. One could use the same style with leather or cord for our men.

Beautiful colours.
Those are GREAT Jeremy! Ooooh I want some so bad! *bounces* Grats on the winning bid!
Jeremy can sure stir up everybody's creative juices, can't he?
Nice lot Jeremy, too nice for any poor words of mine.

However, speaking of doggie bracelets, how about a drop for the kittie collars you were working on a while ago?

I vote with Jerin, I think they would look lovely in a tin cup style necklace. I know we all can't wait to see what you decide.:)
scecy pearls

scecy pearls

Hi Akoya

Shecy is one of the most troublesome, determined spammers we have ever had. In fact by mentioning their name, you are venturing into the waters of delete. Others have reported here that shecy AAA is smaller and worse than other company's AA, and posted the pictures to prove it, so they are cheats as well.

I suggest you search this site for honest comments on Shecy Pearl Jewelry.

Thanks a lot for the information. My best choice is to visit as many vendors at the Hongqiao market in Shanghai and maybe go to Suzhou or Zhejiang. I do not expect miracles.I would like to buy as many lots of 7.5-9mm, near round,oval,and keshi fresh water pearls in white,pastel and black colors to fit my designs.If I am not confident with my purchases in that market there is always Mr Shepherd's great choices.:)
some ideas

some ideas

Love the colors! Almost anything you make with those is going to look great.

Lets give him some ideas from Europe. If I had these beauties I would marry them with other precious stones to enchance their colors like amethyst and garnet. I would give them a nice hug in sterling silver enclosures something like framing them.I would let them hung from a sterling silver ....something on neoprene cord. In regards to leather cord I would not put two dark colors against each other without enchancing them with a light one.What about threading them in sterling silver chains.creat:)e slender and fascinating necklaces and bracelets.
please bare with my spelling I need to download the iespell.
An idea for your beautiful A's. For some time now I have been looking at this:

18-inch AA+ 12.0 to 14.0mm Tahitian Baroque Pearl Necklace

It has such great 'freaky' pieces in it, in different colors!

I don't buy it because it is half my yearly pearl budget. Would you consider a 'grab bag' if you did a sale? You know, 5 pieces ranging from size 10 to 13, or 8 pieces, or however many. Along with whatever else you do? That way those who want to design don't have to destroy something to get a few pieces out.

That is, if you decide to share...
Thanks for listening,
I just drilled the first "loot" strand today. It came out nicely. I might have to do a few more.

I just drilled the first "loot" strand today. It came out nicely. I might have to do a few more.

View attachment 3349

Beautiful !! This is the type of baroques that I like the most: drop shape, not too many rings, smoothe....lustrous.... Are we going to have a "PG Special" on those strands ????... ( drooling again...)
Loot strand

Loot strand

Wow, great strand--is that one, or will more available on your website? I WANT one!! ;)
Wow, Mighty Spectacular! My suggestion, if you don't have a lot, would be designer sets of 3 or 5. That way less expensive for some of us-----and perhaps a few strands also. I'm glad the creativity side is fun and challenging for you also, Jeremy!

so many pearls, so little time
Those are sooo cool.:cool: Great job on matching - it's a fun strand, full of color.... <sigh>