Loot: Circl? Tahitians


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
I waited a long time to get these from Jeremy (thankfully Kirsten had these picked out for me three or so months ago and was very patient with me). I am really happy with them. The colors are stunning - would that my photography could capture it well.

The first three are of the strand from different angles, followed by one of me...

Loot Strand 1.jpg

Loot Strand 2.jpg

Loot Strand 3.jpg

John & Loot.jpg
Thanks, everybody.

I have to thank Blaire for help is choosing the clasp. She was a voice of reason in a whirlwind of decision making...
Those pearls look great on you John.
So now it's official - pearls are definitely unisex.....:)
Very handsome, John! You and the pearls! Great choice of the infinity clasp, too.

so many pearls, so little time
I love that you are sharing your love for pearls with us. Thanks so much John. Wish I could get my husband to wear them!
These are awesome! You must be so psyched to have a loot strand. The colors and that clasp all work together really well.

Now we have documenation of you and Josh looking Completely masculine in pearls.
Wow! I never thought I would say this, but the strand looks great on you. It's very masculine looking.
See John? You look great in those loot pearls and the clasp turned out to be perfect. (yay) I'm glad because it would have broken your heart to give up that strand.

It's funny that Octavia and I "met" your strand months before you did! :cool:
I do like a little jewellery on a man....a single or three pearls on a thong would be my choice. I've made and sold out a few.
Pearls and a good looking man....what's not to like?
John, very nice!!! Great colors, too.

I am on the Big Island of Hawaii right now. I saw a man in a Tahitian baroque necklace like John's yesterday. He looks like he's in his 50's, local Asian man; and he looks GOOD in that necklace. I never knew that men can look great in Tahitian STRANDS until I saw Josh & John's pictures...and then yesterday's encounter.
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LOL I was sipping water when I read your post, Nerida, and now I have it dripping down my shirt - I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan. Wait a minute, wrong song...

Thanks for all the great feedback. Josh got me thinking "why not" when I saw his picture in the green Tahitians. When Jeremy then posted about the loot pearls, I was sunk.

I am really happy with the strand, It feels great on as well. Now I have it and the Keshi strand from Sarah, different looks but both great fun.