Looking for Pearl Pictures

  • Thread starter Thread starter Satine De La Courcel
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Satine De La Courcel

Good day to all,

I need to beg a boon from this list. I have recently been asked to teach a Pearl basics class for a medievla/renaissance re-enactment group I belong to for an event in occuring in two weeks, I am in need of some help...

What I am searching for:
Pictures of natural undyed colored pearls
in the following shapes,Round, Pear shaped, Drop shaped, Half pearls, Baroque, Potato and good examples of mother of pearl,

What I woudl like to do is put these photos under the description in the class handout.

I do have soome really good examples of these shapes Real and "Faux" including two really wonderful examples of a Drop and a Pear shaped which are always the hit of the lecture!

I hope to be able to have 3-4 examples from each category, If anyone is willing to help, or knows who I may be able to contact and ask for permission to use photos from please contact me.

Thank you in advance for the help and guidance.

Hi Ashby,

When you say natural, do you mean the pearl or just the color?
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Thanks for bringing it to my attention Jeremy, I am seeking Natural in Color undyed pearls, Thank you for the reference Jeremy!

Good Gravy where is my Brain today..... LOL

I also did not mention that if anyone does grant me permission to use their photos I also require, Your name, type of pearl in picture(s), Who took the photo, if you have a website and will allow me to put it into my bibliography!

If I am missing anything to give credit where credit is due please put it in as well...

Thank you!

Hello Ashby,

You're welcome to look through my site to see if there is anything you can use.

On this page (http://www.pearlsandjade.com/category/Photos) there are some photos of a perfectly round 15.7 mm white pearl sitting in a shell. There is also a photo of 9 pearl nuclei sitting in a shell (made from shell and used for nucleating oysters.) Some round pink pearls.

In the "China trip 2005" page you'll find photos of pearls being harvested from some mussel.

I have mother of pearl strands that I haven't photographed yet, but will in the coming days. They're in various shapes; oval, round, diamond, etc.

Most of the photos on the site can be supersized so you can use the larger pic which should print out better.

Let me know if you can use anything, and good luck with your project.

If you would like to use anything from our Site in any off-line content you are welcome to. If you are thinking of another particular shot let me know.

Please note: I am giving Ashby permission to use our photos for educational purposes. I am not giving permission to anyone else.
Bill and Jeremy,

Thank you so much for helping me with my lecture presentation,

Further reply will be sent privately.


You are also welcomed to use any pearl photo from my website: www.perlas.com.mx (for educational purpose only please).

Every single Sea of Cortez Pearl is of 100% Natural Color and the photos are never "color saturated"...all taken with a trusty Sony Mavica camera, best camera we've found to take close-up photos of pearls.

I also have a good collection of Pearl Shells (including their corresponding digital photos). If you need a special variety and I have it, I will be happy to share it with you. Send me an e-mail to info@perlas.com.mx. Finally, this webpage might be helpful (slow downloading): http://www.idscaro.net/sci/01_coll/plates/bival/pl_pteriidae_1.htm

Good luck with your project!


I will check out your site and get in touch with you privately!

Thank you!

Another site to fall in love with!


This is really neat! The Picture of Empress Isabel of Portugal on your history of pearls in Mexico page, Is an outfit I am researching and hope to start making early next year! I was really excited So I had to share.

To Everyone who has helped me with My Pearl basics lecture, I want to say Thank You!!!!!! I really appreciate how helpful, wonderful and Kind everone is to help me out! If this class is sucessful I already am brewing up others to Lecture on about pearls in the Renaissance eras! I really do appreciate all your help! It really means a lot!

The lecture is this saturday at our local Renaissance event. I will let everyone know how it goes!

Thanks again!

Pearl Lecture

Pearl Lecture

Good Eve to all,

I just wanted to say a very heartfelt thank you to all who helped me out with my lecture project it was a smashing sucess! I have been asked to teach it at 3 other renaissance events this fall!

The class which started about 2:00 In the afternoon ended up being a huge topic of discussion for about 12 of us ans even went through feast and into Feast! which was at 6 pm.

I apologize if this seems silly to post here! It was such an amazing experience to have the entire class not want to stop talking and learning about pearls!

