Look What I Found


New Member
Jul 9, 2007
In amongst some large pink baroque fresgwater pearls was this... one had a silvery "keshi" formed on it.
The pink baroque is 11.5mm x 11.5mm x 9.4mm thick.
Sorry I forgot the paper towel.


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Hi Cathybear,

Lovely pink pearl with a lovely growth. Great look. I like unusual pearls and this qualifies :) Could make a great centre piece on a different, maybe smaller FW necklace or depending on where the other hole is maybe a great pendant. But great all the same. Similiar shape to Fireballs.

I wonder if anyone can tell you if it would have been nucleated or totally FW.

Bye for now, Bodecia
Meant to mention something. This pearl looks like a pink Ranchu or some other Fancy Goldfish :D instead it is a very fancy exotic pearl.

Love the fish, love the pearl.
Great pearl. Personally, I think it looks like a bunny rabbit. Especially in the second pic. Let us know what you do with it.. ;)
Thats a cool looking pearl. I see both the bunny and the goldfish :)
Cathybear: I love your sand pics. I wouldn't change them. I see a bunnyfish. But it sure is lovely.
That's a lovely pearl, Cathy.
I can see a bunny and Nemo.
Bet it'd look great mounted in gold and made up as a brooch, a la GemGeek's little bird.