Little ruckus with Cees


I'm playing with Cees' 300 cm Tahitian rope. Great colors ;)
Yes, I was with Cees when a new shipment came in. Oh lots of lovely pearls. And Cees is so sweet to let me play with those pretties.
They're two strands, silver and peacock. Together they are 6 m long.
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Wow so lucky! Thank you for the pictures!!!
My little loot.... DSC_0896.jpg
The two bigger pearls are going to be earring charms, but I can also wear them as pendants. RH has provided me with this interchangeable findings.

I wish I could buy this but I have to stop and impose a ban on me LOL.... Pearl Earrings - Freshwater - Pink.  These were my first set. <3 Using more affordable beads in case
Pareljte, now that you have both Tahitians and Fijis, which do you think hold their colours really well in the light? I am in the UK and the light here is often dull and grey. I often find my blue sapphires bleeding here but when I wear it back in Singapore, it has a fantastic cobalt blue. I am thinking the Tahitians are grey and dull in our European light. What are your thoughts?
Thank you.
CrazyMissy - if you mean the box with the singles...there are 3 Fiji up in the Right upper quadrant .

Oh, sorry! I thought the entire box of loose pearls were Fijis! But I did check out that upper right corner, I haven't seen naturally bronzy pearls IRL yet. #noob

Lovely loot you got there, Pareltje! Lucky you! I wish we have some pearl ruckus here in our little red dot, eh?
Pareltje- what a beautiful grouping you have chosen! I would be half tempted to take the chubby kitty with me, too!
Oh, sorry! I thought the entire box of loose pearls were Fijis! But I did check out that upper right corner, I haven't seen naturally bronzy pearls IRL yet. #noob

Lovely loot you got there, Pareltje! Lucky you! I wish we have some pearl ruckus here in our little red dot, eh?

Not a Noob at all lol I knew that because ( I'd like to say I just knew by looking at them...) Cees had already sent me the photo a while back and pointed out the three in the upper right. I passed on them as I really was looking for a strand...and I've already got more 'earring pearls' than I can count. Maybe next harvest I'll scoop up a bunch .

JP - No worries ! You and I are 'Finding' fiends!!
Pareljte, now that you have both Tahitians and Fijis, which do you think hold their colours really well in the light? I am in the UK and the light here is often dull and grey. I often find my blue sapphires bleeding here but when I wear it back in Singapore, it has a fantastic cobalt blue. I am thinking the Tahitians are grey and dull in our European light. What are your thoughts?
Thank you.

I will try to take pictures when the sun comes out. I'm also curious how they will look in the full sun.
Well ...that IS a rope !! Good grief that’s a lot of pearls ! So do they come apart ??

Love your choices !

I have to ask ..RH ... findings ? What or who is RH ..and how does the finding work ? Thanks for the fabulous photos !

Yes, Katbran. They come apart as 5 bracelets and 2 ropes but you can wear them all together is you wish. RH is a jeweler in the Netherlands, she has some gold and silver findings. She doesn't make her own like you do, Katbran, she orders them from a company based on what her clients need.
Thanks Abi, JP, CrazyMissy, jeg for your sweet compliments.

CrazyMissy of course it would be really great if you girls have your own South East Asian ruckus with members from SEA countries, I think that would be really fun. Geographically it's easier too, you don't need to fly far.

JP, yes, Cees has an amazing eye for colors and pity many of the items I love have been taken by others actually.

jeg, I tickled the chubby cat and it seems he didn't like it so he scratched me and walked away, sigh. I really like that cat.