Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

Tried yelling "Behind me Satan!" at the server via FTP...seems to have worked! ;)
A lapis strand I finished a bit ago, but couldn't post because of the size problems -- I like the way it turned out:


  • lapis_necklace_cropped.jpg
    193.7 KB · Views: 148
Very pretty lapis strand Linda. Love blue colors.
It's good that you got the server in a more not-obsessed mood. There is always a time for exorsists nowadays it seems, what with all the technological devices we use....
Today I'm having issues even posting plain text! I know the new server is good: it was highly recommended (by several friends that work in this field), and the cost is much higher (Jeremy is paying for a very good Plan), reviews are good...all the checks are listed!
But the internet is not made of a single piece, it's more like a chain and every link plays its my link is the weakest in the chain it seems. Been reading of Russian Hackers playing havoc on US servers, but I really don't understand and I apologize for any inconveniences uploading files: I really have done everything in my power to change the settings and I don't know what else to try :ouch:
I really like Lapislázuli and I especially enjoyed the pieces I would see coming from Chile in South America :)
Thank you, all! I recently finished a wire link of a set from CMW Pearls:

Note: I had to crop the image to get by the file size limit.
Sorry, Pattye, I forgot to answer: a confession that I don't always wear pearls, but I like to wear something pretty even if only my husband, daughter, and I get to see it!
It looks very nice Linda :) well done!
Another strand from CMW. They are strung with aquamarines. My main problem is that the strand is too short for me to look at while I'm wearing it! I've had a lot of trouble posting.
Hey Linda! great to see your newest creation :35: very pretty!
Guess you'll have to walk around with a mirror to look at your pretty babies ;)
Nice to see you, Linda! What a lovely strand ... can you wrap it around your wrist as a bracelet sometimes, so you can see it?
Thank you, Douglas, Cathy, Jeremy, and Charlotta! Right now I have them sitting in a pile on the desk next to me so I can look at them. They are quite amazing pearls... even my husband admires them!
linda.wald Wow another beautiful combination of pearls and gems!!! The luster and colors on those pearls! Stunning! Well done! I totally understand you keeping them nearby just to admire them!
Here is a tin cup I made not too long ago. The pearls are from Kong's Pearl. I hope the image uploads...
It worked!
Hey linda.wald I am happy it worked :)
And happier to see you back posting :yes(1):
Looks pretty! Love the colors on your Tahitians.