Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

Jaspers are so interesting and beautiful; so pleasant to touch, too, a "worry bead" to reduce stress! Do you wear this doubled, Linda? Great job on the knotting and design of alternating size beads.

Many jaspers from around the US, too! Where does this Desert Rose jasper originate?
I found this Pattye:
Desert sage jasper is found in the Three Fingers Butte collecting area in Oregon, USA. The area has been a well known collection for over 40 years. The jasper was named after its color and its similarity to the sage plants found in the area that it was mined. This jasper resembles the patterned skin of an elephant. It is mined in South Africa.
Thank you all! Now I have a stone called K2, named after the mountain in the area it was found:
These too are very pretty Linda! Like little spheres from heaven...
Very pretty K2 stones. I have never heard of them before either but those blue splashes are gorgeous.
Some lovely freshwater pearls. I had to keep them in a box when I wasn't working on them because Oreo (the bad kitten!) kept dragging them around. She seems fascinated by certain strands of pearls, mostly the very colorful. But can cats see color very well?
Very pretty freshwaters. I googled and cats can see some colors but not really well. Apparantly it's not important for them. My cats have stolen quite a few pearls, specially the ones that aren't finished. They want the tread and the needle. Sometimes they have stolen loose pearls as well, for bouncing or hunting. Ones the big cat stole a whole strand of ginormous ripples, not even colorful.
Very pretty necklace Linda...and I have to say I adore the phrase on the t-shirt!
I need a cousin like that!
Happy weekend to all :D
No one will ever get tired of this thread, I’m agog at your pretties! Thank you for posting your goodies!
Did you knot, or use bumpers?
Very nice Linda! :)
I knot. I've never tried using bumpers, it sounds like an interesting idea. What are they like, and what are they best for?