Latest finished statement piece


Ahhh, body jewelry, pretty crazy GOOD!! Is there a photo? We'd love to see!

There is, and I can, as long as people don't mind that I'm wearing nothing under it... the requisite bits are covered with scales, but I'm baring a significant bit ;)

Actually, now that I've looked, it's on my husband's Flickr account, and it's set to public, so here's the link:

As long as you're not offended by my showing off the girls, feel free to click through!
AMAZING costume, jesskat! Reminds me that I still want to make a pearl corset one of these years...
Thanks so, so much, pattye, la_corsetiere! That top was many, many hours of work over a month's time... don't even want to think about the hours wrapping every one of those stones hahahaha! I also didn't know how to wire-wrap well back then, so that didn't help. But my trusty dressform was invaluable when draping all the chains and maillework :) Still - I definitely made a statement at the event I went to! It was a May Day event, so hedonistic barely-there looks were in fashion, but I still stood out. I hear about it to this day ;)
Jesskat, your latest statement necklace is very cool. I love the scalemaille/chainmaille work you did on that costume! I'm sure it did stand out.
That is an amazing costume, jesskat! I can not imagine the hours of work involved.
Re round nosed pliers, those are the same ones I have used for over 20 years now. Still going strong. I love em :)
My eyes were crying when I saw how detailed your costume was! No wonder everyone was talking about it. It's very unique and looks great on you.