Last harvest pics


Jun 11, 2007
Hi all!
Sorry to be so quiet these last months. Been working hard to stay afloat and am happy to report that I am, well, still floating.
Here's a couple of pics from the last harvest. The really colorful ones were pulled out of the R-SR bin for the photo then put back in for the bin photo. Can you find some of them?

Okay Josh - they are simply stunning! And I've just traded a holiday in Tahiti to go to Bali instead (less travel time).... crazy!!
There are no words! *o*
WOW indeed, Josh.
Stunning pearls as always.... The colours, oh, the colours.....
Many thanks for the teaser!

I sure hope this is just a teaser, right? ;)

It isn't that easy picking the same pearls in both pictures - not even close to easy from down here. Although you say you have picked the best of the litter, in the bucket is just a fabulous pile (with a few peacocks peaking out, granted)
Wow, they are splendid! Josh, this is really a reward for two weaker harvests in spring!

My, they're beautiful. Wow! I must stop drooling over them or I'll mess up my computer!!
My fingers are itching to touch them!
Congratulations, Josh!

Glad you are checking in, and the pearls are amazing! I can imagine how cool and smooth they feel, besides looking so gorgeous, truly a sensuous feast!
If my banker (hubby) saw my reaction to those pearls he would cut off my internet connection!
Those are beyond beautiful, Josh. Thanks for sharing!

(poised, with a hammer over my piggy bank...)
Drool. I want them all. Really. You're the reason I keep the day job...


Ah, the day job - that's what I was supposed to do!!

Josh - I've just popped back to this thread for another peek - put your colourful bunch as my computer background, and cleared the desktop icons so that your pearls would look elegant! Truly, they are magnificent, and I want them all , too!
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Ahaha! Thanks everyone for the kind (and funny) words.
Yes, R stands for round and SR for semi-round. Mikeyy, I'm not supposed to answer questions like that.;)
I understand. But I am required to ask. :)