Knotty problems finishing an endless necklace

Here it is:
Pearl knot.jpg

I think it's a double overhand knot. I use this knot when there is a larger than normal drill hole that I'm afraid the regular overhand knot will get lost inside.
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Thanks for the knot link Pearl Dreams. Reminds me of my days as a Camp Fire Girl :)
But when would it be used? Perhaps when finishing a classic strand, come back through the last pearl and make the double knot over the thread between then cut with a dab of glue added? I've seen a number of strands where the clasp has pulled loose and I have thought because the final knot pulled loose. The thread wasn't knotted back through multiple pearls, only one. Thank you for the corrected diagram la_c. I don't think I use that knot. Anyone??
I have used square knots in the distant past to string pearls with double thread. More recently have used overhand knot technique instead.
I don't use square knots when stringing because they can capsize and lengthen. They can also slip sideways and one thread will become a Lark's Head knot around the other thread.

I use a double strand and do an overhand knot. With Beader's Secret, I can pull both threads and the overhand knot snugs up tight against the pearl.

When I get to the last 3 pearls, I quit knotting. I drop one of the threads because there's not enough room to go back through the pearls with 4 threads. I take the working thread through the clasp, and then go back through the last two pearls using a beading needle and do an overhand knot with the working thread OVER the passive dropped thread. The I pull both the dropped thread (coming out near the clasp, and the working thread. Then I go through the second pearl, and overhand know over the dropped thread, and pull both threads. Then a dab of glue on those last two knots.
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Pattye, I looked her up and saw she sent me a friend request a while ago. I confirmed it and watched the stringing video. How very cool. It makes sense and looks not only fast, but easier. I will have to give it a try!
Ooooo I'll head off and have a look now !! Thanks for the 'heads up ' !
On FB we're both friends with a woman in the pearl biz, Alice Chan. A few days ago she posted a short clip of herself knotting the middle of a GSS strand, did you see it? A different technique than anything I've seen before! I'm very curious about it.