Knarly WSS Baroques - opinions, please


New Member
Dec 21, 2015
Since I had such good luck with PS on a WSS pendant, I indulged my wild side with a strand of WSS lumpy-bumpy baroques that had been calling to me from their eBay store. They arrived a couple of days ago. I adore their eccentric nature! It's emphasized even more by the seemingly random drilling - some have longitudinal drilling vertically through the drop shape and others appear to be drilled sideways through the circles. It all adds to the charm IMO. They have that wonderful SS glow that is enhanced by the light being reflected in unexpected directions.

But what to do? They're a bit overwhelming up close to the neck and face. My latest idea is to space them out with WSS keshi:

I have some gold spacer beads, but perhaps that would detract from their knarly nature? Likewise with sapphire or amethyst rondelles here and there? I have some heavy duty Beader's Secret in violet that may dress them up a bit.

Any and all suggestions from the more experienced on this forum would be appreciated.
Love your knarly natured pearls :) I think adding stones to this one is not necessary. Looks really complete as is!
How bout space em out with yellow gold spacer every 3 pearls or 4 pearls?
I like it the way it is, but I'd need a neck shot to be sure.
I love the lumpy ssps and have a strand too but haven't bothered to remove them from their original 18". They are fun and interesting, and remind me of why I adore keshi so much. I think your necklace is lovely as is. If you ever get tired of it, you can add gemstones, gold spacer/beads, or use regular round akoyas between the ssps. There is really no wrong way, which is why I love knowing how to string pearls!
I took a neck shot and thought there was just too much blinding white together:
So I tried some alternatives with sapphires and amethyst:
Heavy weight Beaders Secret would not back knot through the keshi and regular weight knots slipped back into the big guys, so I ended up stringing the tiny sapphires into the strand with Soft Touch wire:
I'm pleased with the effect - it breaks up the white and gives it the perfect length for doubling:
(Please excuse the trash bin in the background.)
I really really like what you've done with those pearls. They are going to be loads of fun to wear for years to come I'm sure!
IMG_2876.jpgCicadalady, I love all your pieces and the way play with pearls, it is clear you are having so much fun! Your latest necklace inspired me to mix freshwater keshis with silver blue akoyas, it is still a work in progress as I am waiting for findings to arrive but just so you know you are an inspiration :-)
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Thank you, eolian pearls - I'm delighted to enable your pearl addiction :). That combination of blue akoyas and freshwater keshi should be stunning!!!! It just might glow in the dark ...
If, if they were mine.....big if , I wouldn't use spacers. I think the pearls are gorgeous by themselves. They don't require dress-up .... The pearls can stand alone.