Keshi Necklace


New Member
Mar 8, 2019
Hi All, This is a keshi necklace that I put together for something to do. The 2 pearls are 10mm so you can see the keshi's are large. My question is, what do you esteemed folks reckon it's value could be ?
regards, Kim KESHI.jpg
Hi Kim,

Most of us love a project like stringing a keshi necklace! We do know photographing pearls is difficult and find all pearls show their beauty much better against something white, like a white paper towel or cloth. I couldn't begin to guess the value of your strand, but I'm sure It's a treasure!
I also couldn't begin to guess at a value for that keshi necklace, but would love to see it in a closer photo on plain white background. So much of value is perspective; does one prefer perfect round, white pearls or the unusual and rare? Personally, for me, it would be precious beyond priceless, combining my love of keshi with my favorite kind of pearls. Well done!
I have a 20 inch freshwater keshi necklace from Kojima pearl, with luminous, belly drilled, white keshi and 5 or 6 vermeil beads. I think I paid around $150 for it.
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