Kamoka Pearls Boutique Opens!!

Thanks Pattye! You're the best. Like I said on FB, the launch is looking more like a leap but the support from family, friends and total strangers has been really heartwarming. We are taking baby steps and are excited to offer very select pearls. There will be more to come but for now a humble beginning is all that we can bite off in this new adventure. :)
Simple, clean line and beautiful pearls. I like the humble beginnings.
Kudos Josh!!!
Thanks Ramona and thanks Douglas!
Douglas I just had a look at your store which I hadn't seen in a long time. The designs are really interesting and the pearl colors are amazing. Kudos right back at ya!
Hey Josh
I am glad you took this step. For the producer to control the product to retail is the best possible sequence! Yippie for you!!!

I have long thought that pearls from different farms/islands are like little vineyards putting out their own vintages. I think you can even dna test pearls- now that would be the impeccable provenance.
Wonderful beginnings Josh. I like the clean straight forward presentation. Those pearls are the stars!

Good fortune, fair winds and weather, Babeeez!
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Well done Josh - always thought you should be retailing your own pearls... all the best with the new venture!
Golly :o, thanks so much everyone.

First off, thanks to you Jeremy for this forum and this community that you have so artfully crafted. That has been on my mind for a long time but I'm not sure I have taken the time to say it.

Caitlin, Blaire, Lisa, Dave, Heidi, Nerida and Sheri thanks very much for the encouragement!

Marianne, I completely agree with what you said about the pearls being the stars. A fine pearl is and will always be a miracle to me. :)
Here I am ... late as usual:o... WISHING YOU ALL THE BLESSINGS YOU CAN HANDLE!
Congratulations buddy! I am very proud of you!
Thank you... MORE PLEASE!