June hong kong fair

It's official. You are a major tease.

On another note, it's my understanding that the Chinese strongly prefer round pearls. What do they think of these ripples? Do they think even this remarkable strand is misshapen and ugly? Are they trying to talk you out of buying them saying your customers won't like them?!
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Re: baroques, I love them, however, the colours have to suit me, that means no to anything that is yellow or brown or copper. :(

DK :)
Thank you Jeremy for the nice dinner, I always enjoy the feed backs and experiences. Trends are certainly made by you and I try to introduce these also in the European markets. When I see buyers from f.i. Italy, I still see they go for the traditional pearls as before the crisis. Consumers are eager to see new trends and there are so many new trends.
Because of you consumers have access to these new trends and that is good for the future of the only 'living' gem
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I too want to say thank you for a wonderful dinner Jeremy ! Lovely to see all of you again ! ( I did have to look up Tarzana ... I thought you guys were kidding about Edgar Rice Burroughs lol ) Cees, wonderful to meet you and look forward to seeing you again !

Once more, thank you Jeremy for a great evening, you are a most generous host !
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Love the pics, thanks for sharing!

DK :)
Katbran you make me blush, it was a pleasure to meet you too. I have been observing the scene and at the show with some of my regular suppliers and we were amused to see the Japanese wholesaler opposite his stand in a few hours sell almost his entire stock of Tahitian pearls to Chinese customers, buying bags with hundreds of pearls and pay them cash. Amazing also is that they are only interested in the more round pearls and only dark in color. The first day it was difficult to get near to pearls.
Cees, your observation gives me hope that those cash Chinese buyers won't care so much about my "someday dream" Harvest strand of lighter Tahitians in pastel colors mixed with drops, keshis and all the wonders nature provides :) Thank you all again for the insider reports and observations ... just wonderful!
It's been such a pleasure to read about your HK buying trips, thank you for chronicling your adventures for us!
I don't have a clue what will come next; but, I can tell you what I want to come in the future. I would love to see round metallic strands of freshwater pearls come in natural vibrant shades of red, ranging from cherry, fire engine red to really great blue based maroons. I would also love to see round black metallics freshwater strands too. I don't even know if that will ever be possible; but, it seems the boundaries are being pushed all the time, so one can hope!
I really do like those ripples. I'm avoiding buying any because they're kind of expensive and because I don't have a clue what they'd look like on me, but those colors are to die for.