John Tu at Tucson 2012


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2008
Here is your opportunity to meet John and his pearls :o He is scheduled to be at the Pueblo Gem and Mineral Show at the River Park Hotel Court Pavilion Tents, Booth #41 from January 28 through February 9th. The business name is Taiko Imports. This is his first showing in Tucson and we wish him great success!
OMG! I am so excited. I wasn't even going to the show except to pearl walk with the P-G crew. Yikes, I have to renew my resale license which expired from lack of use! I was just going to get on someone else's list.

whoop! whoop! Whoop!
Golly, if I buy more Pearls, I will need that resale license because I have to sell some of my earliest really funky FW pearl designs. I'm going to get my hubby to sell them along with his Haight Ashbury posters, so maybe I will get a crossover audience! I will then owe some taxes! Yeayyy. Here's to paying lots of sales taxes this year!!!
I take it you got it straight from John. This is terrific news! :cool:
Yup. John and Lily have been working on a line of jewelry which they plan to launch in Tucson. Have seen some prototypes and they are lovely.
Hi All,
I'm bumping this thread as a reminder. John will have pearls for sale :) Enjoy!!!
Marianne, you are pouring salt on my wounds....... ;)
Sorry Nora, Just wanted the PGers who are able to attend to be sure and know where John's booth is. I've never been to Tucson either.
I dont suppose there is any way that those of us 12,000 miles away can buy his pearls :( Do you know if he will sell other than at shows? As I'm getting both knees rebuilt this year I won't be travelling after the Hong Kong show...sigh...Mae West was right..getting old is not for sissys. Happy to provide an email address for him. ;)
Katbran, It sure would be nice if he had a website, but I guess he never got into doing that. I'm fortunate that the Gemfaire exhibits only 20 miles from me, 4 times a year, but in between shows I sometimes need a fix and a website with John's pearls would do the trick.
I had the great fortune to meet John at the Pueblo Show. We had a delightful time talking and sharing stories. He was quite impressed with my Vietnamese pearls and their nacre, which was wonderful. I was able to lighten his load to return home. I walked away with some of the most beautiful pairs of Tahitian sets for earrings...3 sets in fact, some humongous baroque pearls for the wild unique necklace, some sticks of white and pink pearls for my flowers and 2 very well priced Kasumiga-like Chinese freshwater strands. I don't think he is going to do any more new shows or a website now. He was very happy to hear that PGers had been supporting his Tucson show with information about where to find him. Personally, I never would have known about him or found him without your help. So, thank you. I'm a happy girl.
Judi, be sure to post some pictures of all your loot. I bought my Kasumiga-like Chinese FW pearl strand from him also. There is a pic of it finished in my PG photo album if you care to see the finished product.
I visited John's booth with Jeremy and Mikkey on Saturday. The pearls were wonderful. John is not happy with his booth placement though and mentioned he had been recommended to go to the GJX next year. I enthusiastically seconded that because the Pavilion is no longer a wholesale show. Anyone can walk in which means the sales will be more numerous, perhaps, but smaller. GJX was the most happening show. The aisles were full and no one was complaining about sales- unlike the AGTA proper, where the booths were at half strength and the aisles were mostly empty.

John describes his pearls as medium quality. This is what is meant by the best of the commercial grade pearls and the A in the A- AA- AAA system. He has all the interesting shapes and colors and all are in the best luster possible to get. Just the kind of pearls I love the most. I did not shop Sat. however. <sad face>