Is this real and is it worth the price?


New Member
Oct 28, 2007
Well Ann,

Do you really trust an Ebay seller that steals their description from another company? If that is a true picture of the pearl, it is a nice one for sure but $3600 is way more then you need to spend.

I really surprises me when I hear people are willing to risk 4 figure price tags on an ebay purchase.

As Sheila said, PP is good - but any pearl dealer that is a active member on the forum here is going to be trustworthy.
Hi PearlGalNY,

I agree with Sheila that you would do much better going with PearlParadise, from whom I have made several purchases.
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Who are the vendors on this site?

Who are the vendors on this site?


Is there a list of active vendors on this website? I dont know where to find it.

Use the google search function on the forum. It searches the Web sites of members of this forum as well as this forum itself. It ignores Web sites that have received bad reviews as well (including eBay).
How can I know that picture if of the pearl you are going to receive, if the description isn't?

It doesn't take much to make something online feel bad.

If you line up the pictures of all loose golden pearls there, they look very, very similar. Size doesn't show in a picture unless there eis some reference object included (like a ruler or something). Which could be just because they use a super-sophisticated automated system or... if the pictures were somehow made to look alike. It seems that taking photos of pearls is hard. Many sellers do not... Just show sample images. The good ones recognize that. The others leave you wondering.

Besides, even if that was a wonderful picture and I knew it is of the right pearl, the thing is 3D and I can only see one side. Blemishes count.

So, if the pictures are questionable and the description taken from somewhere else. What should I be looking at?

It comes down to keeping fingers crossed for the return policy of the seller.

My 2c.
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