Is this necklace really South Sea Pearls as described?


New Member
Jan 25, 2014
I saw this necklace for sale on a website called Belle & Clive, which I believe is a subsidiary of the website Blue Fly. The pearls are described as South Sea pearls but, having learned a lot from all you experts and your resources, I don't think South Sea pearls come in those shades of pink. Am I correct in thinking that these are probably freshwater pearls?

I'd like to bring it to the vendor's attention if you all feel that they are freshwater. I would hate for someone to buy them thinking that they are South Sea, only to find out they are less costly freshwater pearls.

Thanks in advance for everyone's thoughts!
That's what I thought! I'm glad I have learned a few things from you all :D

Thanks for your reply! I will let them know.

That's what I thought! I'm glad I have learned a few things from you all :D

Thanks for your reply! I will let them know.


If you read the description on that page they do call them cultured freshwater pearls. Seems odd but they do this for a few items on their site, calling them Freshwater "South sea" pearls.
They are on sale for $2095, with a retail price of $3492. I'm not sure what would be a fair price for freshwater pearls of 12-15 mm and this quality....
Yikes Wendy! I would be most displeased if I were a customer who overpaid for these pearls! All I can say is that I brought it to the attention of the reseller. They were not convinced by my email but, fortunately, the sale is over. Hopefully they will think twice before putting them up for sale again at that price.

Thanks for everyone's input! I really feel that I have learned so much from this group. It's not great for the bank account but it has been fun!

Unfortunately the link is gone, but I do remember the strand appeared to be round to near round and looked to be of decent quality - definitely not a ripple strand. A strand like that could easily cost $500 wholesale in Hong Kong. What I would consider to be nice Edisons wholesale in the $1000 range to start and can get much more expensive, especially when dealing with Grace.

Given that the website selling the strand didn't travel to Asia to buy it, they bought it through a wholesaler in the US who put a markup on the piece, the asking price of (if I recall) $2,500 was not outlandish. I believe it also had a heavy gold clasp with diamonds. That would be worth several hundred retail alone.