Is this a real Edison Pearl?


New Member
Feb 28, 2018
Hello everyone, this is my first post on PG and still can’t believe I am asking this because I know that buying from EBay is not recommended at all. I know all the risk involved and believe me I am very careful when I buy something BUT it happen that I fell in love with this pendant. I am in search of a Golden Sea South pearl and while educating myself about it I found this forum and now I can’t get out of it. I literally spend 4-5 hours daily reading here!! It was then when I knew about Edison pearls and googled for pictures and then I found this pendant on Ebay. I know this seller, Pearl_Society, has some good reputation on this site but still I am not convince to take the plunge and buy it without first kindly ask to the experts on this forum what they think. Yes, yes..., I have read all the threads here about not buying from Ebay and I’ll not do it unless I am convinced that this is a good deal and even after that I’ll still be scared :D . Thanks in advance for your replies!!

1) Would you trust the seller?
2) Does it looks like a real Edison Pearl?
3) Is it worth the price asked?
4) Can I trust is real 14K gold?
Please visit the link to see the description of the items and more pictures.
Here is the link:|iid:1&_trksid=p2481888.c100675.m4236
Yes. This is a good vendor. Hurry up and buy it before someone else does!
Definitely. Bob from Pearl Society is wonderful. Love everything I purchased from him!
I have bought a few things from Pearl Society as well and been very pleased - but then I followed the auctions that can be a better bargain than their fixed prices. I am sure you can trust the description.

One word of advise - you ask about the value. I think the question is "what is it worth to you?" Is this the piece you are dreaming of or could saving the money for later bring you closer to something you want even more?

- Karin
If you like rainbow Edison pearls, I saw druzy design (ebay and etsy) and Kong pearls (etsy) have quite a lot of them in stock. They are favorite vendors of many members (including me) in this forum too.
Yes, you can trust this vendor. Roberto is a nice guy. He sells real pearls. I bought a few pieces from him and always pleased.
I am also happy to vouch for this seller; have bought quite a few things from them over the years.
I can't comment on the seller, as I've never purchased from them...however, there is absolutely nothing that would give me pause (especially since others here have purchased).

I do want to comment on that mounting for the is exquisite! It seems like a very simple thing to attach a pearl to an enhancer, but really it isn't always that easy. While there is some ability to adjust, if you will, it is very easy to ruin a piece like this one. It must be fit to the general shape of the pearl, and then adjusted so those beautiful diamond tips rest gently on the pearl's surface. Sometimes it just works straight away, and other times, it can be quite a challenge (sometimes one left for another setting). This looks well executed, and very thoughtfully completed. The least attractive part of the pearl is well camouflaged under the mounting. It is a beautiful piece.
They have been around for quite awhile and lots of pearly people have had a good experience with them. I've not bought from them.

Certainly is a ripple Edisons, colours will be wonderful, especially in the shade or indoors. Direct sunlight is usually not the best light for viewing pearls with colour.

I agree with JP. the mounting is really lovely !!
I really don’t know Karin, I am new to pearls and don’t know if I am going to like something better later. I really like the pendant but don’t know if it is a fair price not only for the setting but for the pearl itself. I love the color, the shape and the size but want to be sure it is not overprice. Thanks for responding and for your advise.
Thank you! It is good to know about other trusted vendors. I didn’t know this color is called rainbow, thank for the detail. I am learning about pearls more and more everyday. I checked both sellers and they have beautiful Edison rainbow pearls. I am enchanted by this color!!
Joselyn, if you aren't sure what you want, I would wait. While the price is fair it is still a lot of money - is to me, anyway :) I think you will find quickly that there are so many pearls you want and that the first thing that catches your eye is often not what holds your attention in the long run.

This seller has these kinds of pendants in the store all the time so there is no reason to rush into anything. Hang around this forum for a while, sign up for the newsletters from the sellers mentioned here to hear about special offers and find out what makes your heart sing, or what is a really good deal so you can jump when you find it. That would be my advise :) I think most of us here could have had several more rather amazing pearl pieces if we had held back a bit at first and saved the money.

- Karin