Is this a light colored conch necklace?


Nov 18, 2024
Hello all, my father gave this necklace to me 40 years ago in my 20's. I have kept it in my safe for sentimental reason but do not know if it is a conch pearl necklace.
I do plan on having it appraised, (finally) and was curious of other opinions. It feels cold to the touch and is gritty on my teeth but I don't see any flame patterns. I see wave like patterns of light coral. Any thoughts much appreciated. Clasp stamped 14k
Did your father tell you it was a conch necklace? Did he have a history of purchasing fine pearls? Although shell beads would supposedly show linear vs. wave patterns, the matching seems too convenient. You will need to submit to lab certification if you strongly suspect natural origin, only then can an appraisal be properly done.
My father did not say it was a conch pearl necklace. He did have a history of purchasing unique, expensive items. Every summer I visited him it was always something new, from deloreans & lamborghinis to a small cessna. My father was a bit eccentric but he was a wonderful man. I am familiar with appraisals but is there a specific lab test I can request to verify it's natural? Thank you so much.
A possibly applicable paragraph from a seminal study of conch pearls by GIA in 1987:

The History and Gemology of Queen Conch "Pearls"
GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 1987

Pink or orange coral beads are occasionally mistaken for conch "pearls" (Liddicoat, 1981; Farn, 1986).The most famous misidentification is that made by Kunz, and reported by Koivula (1987). As Liddicoat (1981) pointed out, these two materials can be separated on the basis of specific gravity, which is 2.65 for coral and 2.85 on the average for pink conch "pearls." Also, they differ greatly in surface appearance: Coral shows distinct surface pits as well as banded striations that are much more regular than the flame structure seen on conch "pearls"; coral may also show a characteristic tree-ring structure.
Ang, I am pleased you are having it appraised and do please post the outcome. I think it may be what is called Angel Skin coral which was popular in the '70s/80s. You see it in vintage pieces, sometimes with just a blush of pink and sometimes more pale and creamy light salmon colour.
This looks like a very nice strand of Angel Skin Coral beads to me also; high polish, nice luster and swirls of pink/coral ... very pretty. Hope you post outcome of further testing ... and enjoy your necklace!