Is it good deal? Real FW pearls?

They are real FW, however, as the others have said, they are real CULTURED FW pearls. Good deal for their size and quality IMHO.

DK :)
Hi Naan, the pearls in the website photo say Luckyhaishun, and the website name is JALSH, also the pearls in the website photo look a lot more irregular than the photo of the necklace on the orange carpet.

Were you supposed to get the exact same necklace as the one pictured on the website?

Are you asking us if they're cultured fresh water because you're worried that they might be shell pearls?
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Thanks for all!
Caitlin, dkan 168, Lisa, Pearl Dreams!
Thank you for replying!
Hi Lisa!
Thanks for replying!
Yes! I worried that they might be shell pearls.
I purchase some necklaces from lucky-haishun all of them themes to be good and then I came to was not 14k solid gold but 14k filled

Lisa, I received pearls from Inger store! And I'M so glad with purchase!
<a href='' title='разместить фото'><img src='' /></a>

Oh, those are lovely! Inger is very reliable, and I'm glad you're happy. They turned out well, didn't they?!

I'm not sure that the pearls on the orangish carpet are cultured FW. To my eye they look too perfect, and I don't know JALSH, but I've heard David Of Luckyhaishun is honest. The picture on the sales 'sheet' shows cultured freshwaters. What you got, I don't know. So, anyone else going to weigh in?
Hi Naan,

You should be able to figure out if the necklace is FW or shell pearls idf you rub two of them gently together or againt a tooth. If they feel slightly gritty they are cultured pearls. If they are completely smooth they are shell pearls.

- Karin
There's a difference between the pearls in the link in post #1 and the ones on the orange carpet.

The ones in the link in post #1 are freshwaters, but the ones on the orange carpet look more like shell/imitation pearls (too perfectly round, too smooth a surface, too well matched.)
The earrings are great! I love those funky, odd shaped baroques! The necklace looks too man made to me, but if you bought it for about $20-30 bucks not counting shipping and duty, if your country has duty charges. In any case shell pearls do fool the eye of those who don't know pearls, so you will look fine wearing them.

A friend of mine turned down the chance to look at Tahitians at the Tucson Gem Show with me, and instead bought a shell pearl version (It was about 13mm and flawless) for about $100 dollars and I never had the heart to tell her- and no one else ever noticed, either. She way overpaid, but at $100, she honestly thought she got Tahitians.

There's a difference between the pearls in the link in post #1 and the ones on the orange carpet.

The ones in the link in post #1 are freshwaters, but the ones on the orange carpet look more like shell/imitation pearls (too perfectly round, too smooth a surface, too well matched.)

I agree. I was referring to the one in the link being CFWPs.

DK :)
Lisa, if David Of Luckyhaishun is honest. I purchased it from the ebay David store
I have to visit another juvelir to test gold
Pearls too good to be real for 35 dollars may be I am wrong Teeth test is OK
Thank you all! Teeth test is OK and gritty test is also ok!
Caitlin, thanks! You are really good friend!
But my pearls as for me look more like imitation pearls