Is it fake?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Natali
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Now why would anyone sell a real south sea pearl necklace for $100.00?
Now who would sell a bottom of the barrel, piece of garbage Akoya strand worth only a couple of dollars (baroque Akoya are basically worthless - sorry p-only, but we all know it is true!) and call it a South Sea pearl necklace? ES-PEARLS on eBay, of course!
Why do you say all baroque akoyas are "garbage"? I have seen some gorgeous baroque akoyas, with luster you'd only get in a top-quality round pearl, for a much, much more reasonable price. Especially with baroque akoyas of vintage culture, it seems like a great deal for someone who isn't bound by the rules which say a pearl must be round.
Aesthic appeal (which a few do have) and actual value are very different. Baroque Akoyas usually wholesale for just a few dollars per strand where as the nice rounds are always above $100. I purchased a lot of baroques for one customer once. Bought them from a pearl farmer in Xuwen. They were decent looking enough (the tails with thicker nacre have a nice luster). I paid exactly $1 us dollar per strand.
I see, thanks for the answer. Does this also apply to strands over 40 years old? Since I like baroques I have been looking at vintage or antique strands for sale, and although they are less, they aren't 95% less in price. Is there a difference?
For the vintage strands you are paying for the era more than the actual quality of the strand. I have seen a lot of older strands (people send them in to match) and so many of them are baroque. But I really do not deal in this type of pearl. Your question would be better answered by a forum member who deals in such.
Fake Pearls on Ebay

Fake Pearls on Ebay

The most common dishonesty you will find on Ebay (concerning pearls) is passing off low quality Freshwater pearls as "AAA+" AKoya. Given the grossly assymetrical shape of the pearls in the photos themselves, the misrepresentation should be obvious.

What is surprising however, is that many of the devious "pearlers" have very high ratings. Many consumers do not perform the proper duediligence and perhaps are happy to be ignorant as long as they can tell their friends that they were able to buy the worlds finest pearls for less than $50.
Color Enhanced Pearls on Ebay

Color Enhanced Pearls on Ebay

I browse Ebay a lot in any spare time I get. I do find there is so much deceit from too many sellers. I do know that there is one seller in particular selling color enhanced Gold South Sea Pearls. I warn customers who browse my site to be very careful buying on Ebay. If the price sounds too good to be true, then the Pearl is most likely fake or color enhanced. It makes me very angry to see so many Chinese Freshwaters being sold as Akoyas every day on Ebay. I really enjoy selling on Ebay, but do realize many are very afraid of taking a chance. Read Feedback, contact the seller to get communication going and be VERY Selective who you buy from.
I do demand higher prices, yet my Quality is consistent. I only sell Pearls I would keep & wear myself.
If anyone has any questions , please ask! I'ld love to help.
Sincerely, Carolyn