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Slraep said:
Okay Douglas, fork over that magnificent pearl. If you don't know what to do with it just send it to me. I know what to do with it. And don't worry, I'll keep on bashing it on a wood table just like home.

In retrospect, why not have made it the prize for whomever correctly guessed what the inclusion in that pearl was?



Would you be happy with a picture of myself holding the pearl??? I dunno if I can afford giving away such a prize :o

Gollum Gollum
CortezPearls said:

Would you be happy with a picture of myself holding the pearl??? I dunno if I can afford giving away such a prize :o

Gollum Gollum

Oh all right Douglas. I guess being generous---no--- smart, funny, ecologically minded and having loads of Sea of Cortez pearls makes you much more interesting than JUST ONE Sea of Cortez pearl. Even though it is a pretty magnificent one. don't know what to do with the pearl and you don't know if you can afford to give the pearl away. I, on the other hand, know what to do with the pearl and know you can afford to give it away. Interesting.

Anyway, go ahead and post that pic. I'm sure the women of the pearl forum are curious to know what you look like.

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Not much in looks...I have been called a "Pirate Version of Bill Gates": yep! White (but with a crispy tan) and Nerdy.

Guess I'll have to keep posting photos of pearls instead... :rolleyes:
I'm a snoop! I'm pretty sure that's him in the doorway. Wasn't there a better picture of you on your website not long ago when you had your last harvest? Or am I cornfused?


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CortezPearls said:
...I have been called a "Pirate Version of Bill Gates": yep! White (but with a crispy tan) and Nerdy.

Yarr! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so there be naught more fittin' to post than a picture such as ye describe. Bring on Pirate Douglas with his Pearl of Wonder, sez I! :D
Too funny, Boo! (Did you know many people don't know TLAP Day? When I got down here I couldn't believe no one celebrates it! What's a wench to do!) Anyway, I can't match your accent but have you taken a look at Josh Humbert's tag line? He's got some pirate there too!
CortezPearls said:
Not much in looks...I have been called a "Pirate Version of Bill Gates": yep! White (but with a crispy tan) and Nerdy.

Guess I'll have to keep posting photos of pearls instead... :rolleyes:

Don't worry Douglas, seeing this is an e-forum, all we women members are interested in is your mind. Okay, and the pearls.

In your profile pic, you really do look like a more interesting version of Bill Gates!! Seems we have two pirates on the pearl-forum. You and Josh.

knotty panda said:
... have you taken a look at Josh Humbert's tag line? He's got some pirate there too!

Aye, I knows right away that Josh be a right-fine feller t'be joining this here motley crew when me eyes first spied his original sig line: "Yarr! Black pearl lover!"
All ye perlers ave got me starrted ranting and sloverin'...for ye all covet my treasure!!! My Precious!!! ;) Hard to sound like a real english pirate for me it is: My "Pirata Ib?rico" is much better.

Anyway, I know I won't go off the "Hook" (talking 'bout Pirates) that I had Roc?o take this "deranged" picture of myself wearing a Pearl Necklace, showing my "Nacreous Grin" (No nudity :p ).

I do know the consequences of my acts...I will forever be shunned from this forum. I accept this punishment from my peers and will walk this Earth (and dive these Oceans) with the burden I have bestowed upon myself. ;)

I needed a "Jack Sparrow" hat to complete the image...but this will have to do for now. After this, I am quite sure no one will ever (ever) ask for my photo Jajaja

So here you have: a "White & Nerdy" Pearl Farmer Showing a "Pearly Grin"...forget the look in my eyes :eek:


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Heheheheh, that's funny. Almost as funny as my chain maille pic. Look, Douglas, how is the pirate in you going to "rant and slovern" to wenches in corners when your mouth is bound up with pearls?? I'd say alot more but this is a family rated forum.

You definitly are handsome in a "Look Out, there's a giant three headed monster behing you!!" kindda way. I mean the look in your eyes.

I think we want more pics, right wenches?

Douglas, you wouldn't by any chance happen to have a pic of yourself shirtless in baggy pants with a peg leg, a patch over your eye and a parrot on your shoulder would you? Harrdy, harr harr???

Okay, back to that magnificent pearl. Do you get many baroques in that big of a size and quality? It seems to have my name written all over its lustre. Ahoy, can yer PM this lass with what yer pearl booty would go fer?(Can't get my thromborax to cooperate)

I am presently taking lessons in pirate talk. If only to understand pirates. Athough a pirate with a mouthful of pearls would sound something like this---rkisubar, aarr, gujabar be sofvey!

Yarr, he be a fine specimen of manhood, indeed. 'Tis the pearliest grin I've spied in all me years of plundering. And a fair bet it be that the wenches on this forum be swooning at the sight.

I be tippin' me hat to you, Slreap, fer the piratical tutorial ye be sharin' wit' us - 'twas a useful thing indeed fer the landlubbers I be knowin'.
Okay, I was already laughing over the pirate talk, and then I saw Douglas's photo. Now I'm drooling on the keyboard in hysteria. It's only fitting that he's fit to be tied with his own pearls!;)
I have never used the term ROTFLMAO, but I am NOW!!!!!!!!!


I should have changed my name for the day to Knotty WENCH! I can just see Doug walking the plank! Hysterical!

YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slraep said:
Ahoy, can yer PM this lass with what yer pearl booty would go fer?(Can't get my thromborax to cooperate)

Harrdy Harr Harr! Me booty part with it?? Nay!!! For 'tis me very own...her, unless me wench of a wife taketh from me shivers stiff hook!!

Excellent lessons...I will be doing the Johny Depp dance soon enough. My thomborax seems to work fine...Whiskey and Tequila are excellent for the purpose.

BTW: amazing how a topic like "Iridescence" can degenerate in this manner.
The "big" baroque pearl of "Sauron"-like qualities is 14.5 x 13.8 mm and it is a Gem Grade pearl...price here at the store would be of some $800 USD (retail value). And well, we only produced some 10-15 of similar sizes and grade: they are rare, but rarer still are the rounds in sizes above 12mm.
I don't think I will sell it...instead I will keep it to feed my "Inner Gollum" ;)
CortezPearls said:
...her, unless me wench of a wife taketh from me shivers stiff hook!!

Doug, lay off the Whiskey and Tequila please. And what the heck is a "shivers stiff hook" anyway???

Excellent lessons...I will be doing the Johny Depp dance soon enough. My thomborax seems to work fine...Whiskey and Tequila are excellent for the purpose.

Avast, Douglas, a thromborax has something to do with the vocal cords and nothing else. Oh boy.

CortezPearls said:
The "big" baroque pearl of "Sauron"-like qualities is 14.5 x 13.8 mm and it is a Gem Grade pearl...price here at the store would be of some $800 USD (retail value). And well, we only produced some 10-15 of similar sizes and grade: they are rare, but rarer still are the rounds in sizes above 12mm.
I don't think I will sell it...instead I will keep it to feed my "Inner Gollum" ;)

Okay Douglas, $800 US it is. Now you'll have to find me some pearl earrings to match. I promise to set the thing as a pendant without drilling it. Forget about feeding the inner Gollum, you're a pirate now, remember(put down that glass!)? Gollum seems to like booze, not pearls. Anyway, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day, not Drink Like a Pirate Day, matey.

Just a minute! Isn't Sauron "A large (13 mm x 16 mm) baroque shaped Cortez Pearl...superb iridescence and luscious natural colors..." ??? Now it's "14.5 x 13.8 mm"? The tequila and whisky are making you measure the wrong pearl! How many Saurons are there?

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