International Pearl Design Competition

Pearly Shell

New Member
Sep 5, 2008
Anybody up for this?

I like the goal of this competition:
"Our intention is to "cultivate" awareness, interest, demand and successful marketability of Cultured Pearls for the retail community and the consumer level. Through promotion, education, public relations and unwavering commitment we aim to inspire an authentic passion for all Cultured Pearl varieties."

Wouldn't it be fun to see a fellow P-G'er in the mix here?
Now you've done it! Buah hah ha! There'll be loads of us breaking out the drawing boards! :eek:
Ooh, what a fun reason to ruckus in Tucson next year!
We totally have a talented crew, so the competition could be fierce. I hope people post photos over here at some point.
Can people submit pieces already made and published on this forum? I can think of a few pieces done by members, and already posted here, that are fabulous (I think they're international calibre). Anyone know?