Inherited pearls - can anyone help??


New Member
Mar 9, 2012
Pearls 005.jpgPearls 002.jpgPearls 009.jpg


I have inherited these pearls from aunt - I have been told they were puchased from Mikimoto in Hong Kong in 1972. I have also been told there are 171 pearls ( dont quote me on that - I have not actaully counted) and the clasp has 15 sapphires. My eyesight is not too good so I can not make out what the stamp is on the back - I can see 4K or maybe 14K

Can anyone tell me the rought value of these pearls - I will be looking into selling these - would also appreciate any advice on how to sell pearls - I am based in Melbourne Australia

Thanks appreciate as much info as you can give me :)

Hi Brixxy, a little off topic of what theyre worth, until one of the experts pops up to help you with that - would you tell us what type of camera you used, what lighting (indoor, outdoor, next to a window, lamp?)what setting on your camera you used or if you photo-shopped it to adjust for the quirks of your lighting?)

You seemed to capture a really elusive quality in your photo, iridescence, and we want to learn from you, if you are willing?
Hi Brixxy,
The pearls appear to be baroque akoya. Not sure of the value. The clasp is really beautiful!
I think they look like baroque akoya also. They are very beautiful, but I have no clue if they are a brand name. I don't see a Mikimoto on the clasp, but I am just a guesser, not an expert.
Thanks for the responses everyone - they could be baroque akoya - my 93yr old grandma mentioned they were miki however she could be mistaken... god bless! any information on baroque akoya would also be appreciated! I will google it now :)

Lisa c - I took these pics using a Canon EOS1000 DSLR - just used the flower setting - nothing else... had the pearls on a black tablecloth and use a desklamp... thats it - pretty simple! To be honest I am usually not that good at taking photos - but read somewhere else on this form a suggestion to used the "flower" mode and it must have worked!

Again - thanks all and appreciate any other advice you have - especially if anyone knows how I can go about selling in Melbourne - Australia - are there any experts out there??
Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to answer the photography questions. As I said you captured an elusive quality, one that we tear our hair out trying to achieve!

Good luck with your sale!


Did you find someone to evaluate your pearls and are you going to sell them?
Did you find someone to evaluate your pearls and are you going to sell them? "

Indeed! If they are indeed Mikimoto circa 1972 and the nacre is as rich as the photo indicates they will be worth in the several thousands. I have just had a double strand of AAA Mikimoto I own valued at over $4000 - and they are way shorter than these, barely 17 inches. Make sure you sell to a reputable dealer and go to an evaluator who is not connected with the dealer first!
Whoah - a quick google check finds baroque Mikimoto pearls for $44,000, through a signature jeweller. Perhaps you had better insure them!