Inherited Necklace


New Member
Feb 4, 2021
Hi all,

Thanks in advance for your thoughts! I got this necklace from my aunt. I have very little information about it.


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Good morning Alg, and welcome to our Pearl Loving Forum!
I hope some of our forum members will lend their thoughts to your questions soon enough!
For my part, these like Cultured Akoya Pearls but I cannot discern the pearl size on the photo...something in my head tells me they are about 10 mm in diameter (which is large for Akoya) but I'm kind of using your fingers to gauge size and your hand could be small or large, so this just throws me off.
Seems some repairs were done some time ago, because 2 pearls near the clasp seem larger than the rest, and this is odd, usually the smaller pearls are used near the clasp.
It looks beautiful! A very nice inheritance :)
Hi Alg...the three photos with the hand in them seem quite distorted, which I think maybe why Douglas mentioned the two last pearls seem bigger? Are we able to see a picture of the whole necklace flat on a white background?
Are there any markings on the clasp?
Beautiful creamy coloured pearls, I’m sure some of the experts here can shed some light on them?
45 pearls plus clasp...if the necklace is 18" then the pearls are about 10mm as Douglas said.
To me they look like they may be imitation pearls.

Do this:
Rub two of the pearls together after cleaning them to remove surface grime. If it feels gritty it's likely real cultured pearls; if the pearl glides easily and smoothly it's likely imitation. Edited to add: I have stopped recommending rubbing pearls against teeth (“Tooth test”) Teeth are harder than pearls and can scratch them.

Also, see if the metal clasp has any marks indicating the metal -- 10K, 14K, 585, 750 for gold, 925 (silver or silver with gold plating), 14KGF or 10KGF (gold filled). There may also be a brand mark.

See if there are any places the coating is peeling off or already peeled off revealing the bead inside.

Examin around the drill holes for any swirls of extra coating, which may be present with some imitations.
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That is true. Could be akoyas if shorter.

But the uniformity and the lack of overtones suggest imitations to me.

If they feel gritty, post close-ups of any blemishes so we can take a closer look.
Thank you for your replies! Sorry about the photos, the pearls closest to the clasp are the same size as the rest, which are about 7.5-8mm. I also have to apologize for not including the relevant information I do have (I just saw the post on in this forum relating to what info each thread should post).

I've attached photos of the necklace against a white background. The clasp says "14 KG", but the writing is so tiny I couldn't get a good picture of it. I'm assuming that means 14 karat gold. The pearls also feel gritty. I'm hoping they are at least real pearls considering you can easily see plenty of blemishes and the each pearl seems to vary in it's luster compared to the one next to it, but I don't have the expertise to make that judgement. I'll cherish them no matter what they are. Thanks!


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More photos....


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I agree, given the additional photos and information.

I'm seeing little gaps (very little) between the pearls. This happens as the silk stretches, and indicates it would be a good idea to restring them before too long. Stretched, old silk is weakened and could break. You could either take them to a local jeweler (who will probably send them out to be restrung) or send them to an online vendor for restringing (like Pearl Paradise), or else do what we do and restring them yourself! See tutorials on the Lowly Beaders Club.
Thank you for the extra photos, you did a good job. Welcome alg :)
Can't thank you all enough! I appreciate everyone's time!

Also, I will look into getting the strings fixed. Now to look into buying some matching earrings.......:D