Inherited from Grandma - do these increase in value?


New Member
Mar 3, 2013
Hi everyone!

I'm a newbie, and wanted to see if anyone could help me find out more about these. My grandmother inherited these in the 40's or 50's from a 'rich aunt in California', then passed them on to me. I don't plan on selling them, but did have them appraised in '06. From what I've read not everyone agrees with a standard jeweler's appraising of pearls so I wanted to see if there were any major discrepancies and if they would increase in value or not.

Here's her description: double strand pearl necklace w/ 14kt white gold pearl and diamond clasp. Akoya cultured mostly spherical numbering 48 on 16" length strand, 44 on 15" strand. Pearl diameter 7.5mm - 8mm creamy white with rose overtones, high luster and high orient, thick nacre layers, few blemishes, very well color matches. Knotted between each bead. Clasp contains 4 cultured pearls 6mm each and 6 diamonds: 2 at .02/ct, single cut and 4 at .01/ct single cut, = .08/ct diamond total weight. Safety fold over locking clasp. Japan

There's also a matching pair of earrings 14 kt white gold posts and settings, pearls 7mm-7.5 mm diam, high luster and orient, white colored with rose overtones, AA grade, few blemishes Diamonds one on each earring at .03/ct full cuts, clarity grade SI-2, color grade H-I approx. total diamond weight .06/ct

I know that's alot, so if you're still with me, I'd appreciate any feedback anyone would be willing to give me.


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Hi Caitlin,

Thanks for your quick response! Her replacement value for the necklace was $4856 for the earrings it was $595.

I guess I'm really wondering if pearls have seen an explosion in value the way gold and diamonds have, and would it be worth it to get them reappraised?
I haven't been anywhere that was an appropriate occasion, though I'm dying to!
The replacement value would be about the same or a bit less than 6 years ago. Sorry, the pearls haven't exploded in value. The diamond and gold values have gone up.

Contrary to popular belief, pearls don't have much resale value, except for the "important" pearls.- Like Liz Taylor's or the Duchess Wallis' choker, the Baroda pearls, etc. Even though it is hard to swallow, resale value is from 25-30% of appraised or brand new value.

That is a lovely necklace. Wear it every time you go out at night-even to a franchise place, even if you are wearing jeans. Wear it for business. Or, only take it off to shower and put on hairspray and wear it everyday.

This is a day and age when sparkles are highly fashionable. People wear huge zircon earrings etc. Don't let the diamonds stop you from wearing it often. Pearls are being worn at every occasion except swimming whether a pool or ocean. ( Tahitians on a leather cord can be worn in the sea.)
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The price of the diamonds are insignificant and haven't gone up in price in the last 6 years. The larger/ small diamonds in your earrings would cost your jeweler $28.00 to buy if you lost one. The smaller melle in the clasp even less. The increase per gram in the price of gold has gone up.
Lillie fuzz would know much more about than than me about diamonds and gold. Sorry to hear about the diamonds.

All the more reason to become the Woman Who Always Wears Pearls. There are many of us in that category, but not near enough worldwide. You will be unique and those pearls will make you memorable every time you wear them.
Small melle diamonds size of the head of a pin to 3 points in SI1-2 H/I are not rare. Larger diamonds in better quality more than likely are worth more.
Thanks to all of you and your advice! It's a bummer to hear that they haven't/probably won't increase much in value, though I have two daughters and plan to pass them on to them anyway.

I do have one more question: The clasp on the necklace works in such a way that it can be either the double strand length or one long (is that opera?) length. Is that intentional, and is it meant to be worn long if desired, or should it always be worn as the double strand?
I was just going to suggest that you have it re-knotted into one long strand that you might wear more often, as a long strand can be less formal, but only if it had a less formal clasp. But if you can just convert it, give it a try. Very pretty pearls! :)
I'm impressed with the luster, even with the black background which usually subdued the luster on the pictures, your pearls still look very pretty. Especially considering they're vintage since many Akoya lost their spark after many years, so the pearls must be very high quality.