In comparing freshadama pearls vs AAAA graded pearls


New Member
Nov 18, 2016
This is sort of a public service message because I had come here with a few questions that were all answered really well except this one wasn't so clearly. How does freshadama compare to AAAA grade?

I selected two strands of freshadama in rose over tone and a rose silver mix overtone and one AAAA necklace from another company that doesn't sell the freshadama grade but has the highest grade at AAAA.

This is my thoughts.

Size, overall the size is pretty close to the same

Shape, freshadama grade is round like described. AAAA is described as round but the pearls look more like flattened or squeezed shape.

Color, I have two freshadama with different tones that I requested. The AAAA is more white and doesn't have any tones really that I can see. It's sort of a dull white.

Shine, the freshadama is very shiny (luster) and the AAAA is ok, but is not really close to the same shine.

And photographs on a white paper towel as recommended.

Comparing AAAA and Freshadama

Top is freshadama rose, then silver rose and then AAAA at bottom.

Comparing freshadama and AAAA quality

Freshadama vs AAAA graded pearls

YMMV, but the freshadama is a superior pearl grade, IMO.
The freshadamas have superior luster. The AAAA is dull compared to the freshadamas. IMHO. Thanks for the pictures... good comparisons showing here.
I am torn between the two freshadama necklaces. I decided to give her both and let her choose which one she wants and if she wants both, she gets both, ha ha!

The AAAA has markings on most of the pearls. They aren't big but like little dots and some lines and I'm not sure what you call those. You can see one in the second photograph.

I debated before publishing the photographs but finally decided I should only because the pearl company that sold me the AAAA promised me that the AAAA would be the same or better than freshadama and they would save me money. I spoke with the owner and he was very convincing so I really expected them to be at least close to similar. But they just aren't close at all.
In general, there's not a standard scale for pearl grading so each seller can set their own. Therefore, with strands from two different vendrs, you'd just have to compare the strands in question themselves to determine which one is superior.
Those freshdama really pop next to the non-freshdama. If I'm ever in the market for a strand this thread convinced me freshdama is worth it.
All of the others have said it so well, but your photos are a great visual to understand the subjective nature of grading pearls. Like any good jeweler, a trusted source is key to a good value. Thanks for sharing and do let us know which strand she picks! (or both!)
Just goes to show how some vendors' grading exaggerates the quality. Calling them AAAA means nothing-- they could call them AAAAAAAAA and they would still be inferior pearls.
The Rose Freshadama is definitely my pick! There is just no comparison. Amazing how far freshwater pearls have come in just a few decades!!
A picture is worth a thousand words. The "AAAA" strand, and I do put that in quotes, looks like inexpensive freshwater pearls. The Freshadamas look like gem quality, top of the line pearls.

To me, the important part is a good return policy, because when you are dealing with online vendors, you have to see the pearls in person to really know if they are what you are looking for.
By using the name freshadama we know who those pearls came from. They are made specifically for that company from earring grade pearls not necklace grade pearls. When the freshadama strands arrive I have seen them going over the strands looking at each and every pearl marking any pearl that does not meet their standards for freshadama. Then they will remove and replace it in the strand. It doesn't surprise me a bit that you have chosen to keep those two strands because they are top of the line pearls.
Undecided1, great photos, and a really good example of grading issues. Obviously once you got the "AAAA" strand in your hands, you could see the truth. The only area you might still be in trouble on is the "she gets to choose, and if she chooses both ..." ... Please do come back and let us know how that works out :)
The freshadama strands look amazing.

In general, there's not a standard scale for pearl grading so each seller can set their own. Therefore, with strands from two different vendrs, you'd just have to compare the strands in question themselves to determine which one is superior.

I agree. My latest fwp strand was sold as AAAA I think, but is comparable blemish/luster wise to another strand that I got. it's not perfectly. So yeah, standards do differ a lot across vendors.
Just what BWeaves said : A picture is worth a thousand words.
The strands from PP are in a completely different league from the "AAAA"s.
Freshadama pearls are high-quality freshwater pearls that are larger and finer than AAAA graded pearls. While both types of pearls are prized for their luster and beauty, they differ in origin, size, surface quality, and price. Ultimately, the choice between Freshadama pearls and AAAA graded pearls depends on personal preference and budget.
Freshadama pearls are high-quality freshwater pearls that are larger and finer than AAAA graded pearls. While both types of pearls are prized for their luster and beauty, they differ in origin, size, surface quality, and price. Ultimately, the choice between Freshadama pearls and AAAA graded pearls depends on personal preference and budget.

"Freshadama" is actually a trademark name, specific to Pearl Paradise, for their top grade freshwater pearls. (Other pearl sellers have their own trade names for their top grade freshwaters).

They come in different sizes and are not necessarily larger than AAAA pearls-- but they are certainly are more affordable than akoyas.
Freshadama is a specific trade name for freshwater pearls. There is really no such thing as AAAA grade. In any case pearl grading is subjective rather than objective and what were totally fabulous grade AAA pearls when I started nearly 20 years ago now (gracious me!) would now be barely AA and I probably wouldn't even consider buying them in.
It may be that the AAAA seller is buying from a wholesaler who describes the pearls as AAAA and your seller doesn't know any better.
There's one big seller of FW pearls in Hong Kong which calls some of its pearls AAAAA. And they aren't They're AAA which is the highest grade possible under CIBJO guidance.