Hello my dear ones, kisses and hugs. I actually was contemplating the activities of things like mice, spiders, moths, anything that eats, wondering if conditions in the storage places for textiles of Russia were so dry, or so cold, or so *?WHAT?* could they
be? that would prevent even microbes from locating the sweet, and destroying the fabric surrounding the sweet. And why didn’t the exertion from dancing??? melt, squish, etc.
My pedestrian experience with old family items, a child’s leather glove, a pair of silk baby socks, a lawn wedding gown, a lawn christening gown, a silk doll’s parasol, a silk and ivory fan, a leather covered presentation Bible...is that organic things just dissolve if you look at them. A slight exaggeration - but not too much of one. Without really knowing how to care for stuff, or doing it properly, one or two generations of neglect... poof!
Elizabeth1 had a whole house given over to her wardrobe.
Then, I figured that there’s probably a whole website or university course that’d give me chapter and verse on textile preservation and archiving. I know it exists. It just needs to be accessed.
I wasn’t thinking as much of the candy, as of the fabric. I can imagine certain candies mummifying. There’s another field of science -
So much Science, so little time.