I'm going to be brave and attempt drilling a FW pearl, but first... recommendations?

Adeline Leigh

New Member
Oct 1, 2011
I'm thinking of getting a drill to to attempt drilling FW pearls. Nothing too ambitious, if I can't handle a verticle hole as it needs to be aligned well, I'm perfectly happy with a simple horizontal hole.

Thing is, I would like this drill to do double duty and be able to drill through gemstones as well. I've checked out 3M's Jool Tool but that's too fancy and seems targetted for the pros. Any other reccomendations for amateur's you good people have?

Pictures would be great as well.
You can't beat the proper drill for the job..and basic simple pearl drills can be bought from China quite cheaply.
If you do plump for a proper drill top tip is to get plenty of bits at the same time..they don't stay sharp long. blunt bits cause most drilling problems
(I have no idea how such a drill would fare with gemstones..in fact it would be good to know)
I purchased this horizontal pearl drill about 7 months ago...


At the time I bought it, I also decided to buy extra drill bits - 100 each of 0.7mm, 0.8mm and 0.9mm bits, and 50 of each 1.2mm, 1.5mm, 1.7mm, 2.0mm and 2.5mmbits. Personally, I LOVE this pearl drill; it's solid and accurate. My total cost, including shipping was $275 USD...plus I had to buy a converter to work with the electricity here in Canada...but that was only an additional $25 USD.

The drill is solid, weighing around 5kg, super easy to use and hasn't given me any problems with drilling freshwater, tahitian or akoya pearls.

However, the pearl drill bits do not work at all for stones.
Oh wow, guys, thanks so much.

David, your picture of the contraption is superb and from what I've been reading, extra drill bits is quite essential.

Wendy, I watched the youtube video of you drilling pearls. You looked so serene and in your element there.

Anyone of you have experience with handheld entry-level Dremels?

And Pattye, I'm going to write to the Jool Tool people and ask if it can do double duty with pearl drilling. Will update.
David, this is great! Was it brand new, rebuilt, on sale, wholesale?
Adeline, good luck on this next stage of pearl learning! Please keep us posted as to your progress!
I've been drilling pearls for a while and if you are going to do it on a regular basis, you need a pearl drill. It won't do gemstones, although I did drill turquoise. Drill bit didn't last long, but it worked. I have a Japanese pearl drill. They are much more than a Chinese drill (1000 vs. 2/300?), however, I bought it used on ebay and it is a trooper. I don't know how old it is, but based on the plug shape, it has some years. I've been drilling on it for at least 3 years, Tahitians and FW etc. and it's awesome. Drilling gemstones is a whole other ball game and warrants a different tool base.
Thank you for saying I look serene in the video Adeline..I'm not! Trying to think if there is anything else I need to say and hoping that if the words come out right the drilling goes smoothly (on one take of one of the videos I forgot the word..'pear'l...while trying to think ahead to the next thing to say)
Also against using a dremel or any hand held drill - you will never line up the bit so that it goes exactly through the middle of the pearl, it will always be off in the wrong direction - you need the vice which is built in and lined up precisely in a horizontal pearl drill
I purchased this horizontal pearl drill about 7 months ago...


At the time I bought it, I also decided to buy extra drill bits - 100 each of 0.7mm, 0.8mm and 0.9mm bits, and 50 of each 1.2mm, 1.5mm, 1.7mm, 2.0mm and 2.5mmbits. Personally, I LOVE this pearl drill; it's solid and accurate. My total cost, including shipping was $275 USD...plus I had to buy a converter to work with the electricity here in Canada...but that was only an additional $25 USD.

The drill is solid, weighing around 5kg, super easy to use and hasn't given me any problems with drilling freshwater, tahitian or akoya pearls.

However, the pearl drill bits do not work at all for stones.

If anyone is interested in a machine like this, I just spoke to my contact in Beijing for updated prices and costs...and for $380 USD, here is what he can provide...

- 1 x horizontal pearl drill kits (includes tool kit, brass and plastic pearl cups, 5 drill bits and sharpening stone)
- 50 x 0.7mm drill bit.
- 50 x 0.8mm drill bit.
- 50 x 0.9mm drill bit.
- 20 x 1.1mm drill bit.
- 20 x 1.5mm drill bit.
- 20 x 2.0mm drill bit.

The price includes the cost of shipping which is about $100 USD to ship to Canada/USA due to the weight of the machine. But if anyone is interested, send me a PM and I'll connect you with this person.
Wow, Morphius, that's when I intend to go semi-pro. Thanks for the details and the kindness; I will need to have a think through what exactly I need a drill for before proceeding. Thanks again for the details and one last question - how often do you find yourself heading your pearl drill set-up?

Thanks in advance.
Wow, Morphius, that's when I intend to go semi-pro. Thanks for the details and the kindness; I will need to have a think through what exactly I need a drill for before proceeding. Thanks again for the details and one last question - how often do you find yourself heading your pearl drill set-up?

Thanks in advance.

I find I use it much more often than I had first thought I would. I don't know how others prepare the ends of their necklaces and bracelets (when using silk), but I pass the thread back through several pearls (after securing the clasp of course)...and I often find the pre-drilled holes are not quite big enough for that pass-back (a very tight fit).

In the past, I used to manually enlarge the holes...which took several minutes per pearl. But using the drill takes seconds and decreases the risk of cracking or chipping the nacre surface around the mouth of the hole.

Just to be clear as well - I am in no way attempting to promote the sale of pearl drills at all...but I have received a number of PMs asking about it...so I just figured I'd post the current cost. If anyone is interested in purchasing, I can put you in touch with the person in Beijing who sells them (since he is reliable)...but I don't make any money off of anyone purchasing the item.
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Thanks, Morphius, I thought you naturally did it all out of goodwill, of course. But good that you clarified :)

I'm still considering, Wendy, but you guys are all semi-prois, with pearl businesses to run... I'm afraid mine will collect dust. It's just some idea I'm toying with.

The big question, which I can't see anyone has asked yet is ' how much drilling are you envisaging you will be doing?'